Best of friends

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I woke up to loud banging against the wall startling me as Zoro ran into the room.

"Marines they're catching up to us." With that we run out trying to defend our boat.

As we stood next to luffy we noticed a cannon ball as he sucked in a huge amount of air turning himself into a ballon, as the cannon hit him he flung it back at the boat.

"GRANDPA!" He yelled as we all looked at him shocked.

"Grandpa?" We all say.

We see a foggy cloud not to far from us and nami Dan to the steering wheel

"Nami, get us out of here." Luffy said looking upset.

"On it." She said.

"Let's disappear." I whispered as I felt the need to touch the boat I crouched down, my palm to the wood it started to turn invisible growing from my hand. Everyone gasped as I watched. my eyes there were green turning into blueish colour as I used my power to turn the whole ship invisible.

"Who would've known." Nami whispers as I stood up looking at the marines ship.

Luffy walked away to the back of the ship as we were now in the fog and the invisible ship turned visible once more.

"Can't see anything in this soup." Usopp said.

"What we need is a place to lay low, wait out any reinforcements they send after us." Zoro said .

"My charts are useless in this fog." Namj said annoyed looking at her map.

"What did Luffy say?" I asked softly.

"He's on the bow. He hasn't said anything since we hightailed it." Zoro responded.

"Well, somebody needs to talk to him. About this and that other thing." Nami said.

"What other thing?"

"Oh, gee, I wonder. The vice-admiral-of-the-Marines- is-my-grandfather thing." Nami said annoyed.

"Oh, that. Yeah, I don't really know the guy
that well." Usopp said.

"Doesn't seem like a big deal." Zoro said.

"You're his first mate. Kind of seems like that falls under your job description, hmm?" Nami said making me smile.


With that Zoro left for a few minutes. Till he came back.

"He seems fine to me." Zoro said as I rolled my eyes.

"Did you even ask him?" Nami said. I slipped away trying to find luffy untill I see him sitting on the sheep head of the ship.

I climb up the head as I sit on it with him. He looked at his hands as I smiled softly at him.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Never better." He said a little too plainly then I would like.

"You know luffy, when I saw you fight my father I just knew it." I said softly looking at my dress. His head snaps up.

"Knew what?"

"Knew that you were going to be big one day, nobody stood up to my father for me. You didn't even know me and you didn't let him talk badly about me." I said chuckling making his smile grow.

"You are a good pirate, now I haven't met many but I have a feeling you'll be one of the bests out there. I believe you'll find the one piece and become the king of the pirates, and I know you'll have us, your crew by your side the whole way." I said with a smile on my face as his was huge as he became his normal self.

"We are friends, no we are best of friends!" He yelled as I laughed nodding my head.

"Yes luffy we are best of friends." With that I got down as luffy was in his own world imagining himself the king of pirates. Nami looked at me with curiosity as Zoro looked proud at me as I stood beside him his hand went to my back as it rubbed circles.

"HEY! Do you guys smell that!" Luffy screamed.

"Smell what?" Nami asked.

"Something in the breeze smells like butter!" He said.

"Soy sauce!  And meat!"

"I can't smell anything." I said confused.

"Think he has brain damage?" Zoro said making me smack his chest a smirk on his face.

"I think that everyday" nami admitted making me laugh.

"Look, Luffy, playing follow the smell is fun and all, but we really got to get out of this fog." Nami said realistically.

" I know, but I smell food, which means that there's someone somewhere cooking" luffy said smirking as he put his nose to the air sniffing more.

"Five degrees starboard! No! No! Three degrees back to port." Luffy said as nami obliged.

"Add food to the equation and suddenly he knows how to navigate." She muttered making me smile intill it dropped as we saw a boat in the distance.

"What is that?" I said shocked.

"Is that land?" Zoro asked.

"Can't be. There aren't any Islands anywhere near here." Nami said stunned.

Luffy looks at me smirking as he whoops, I guess we are going to go eat some food.

(A/n: I know it's small chapter, but Sanji is coming up soon so that means jelly Zoro and simp Sanji, so like who else is excited.)

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