Invisible lights

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I stared at the wall that I painted over millions of times as I started at them I couldn't help but wonder about the green haired man, Zoro.

I wanted to know more about the stars, I read so much astronomy all the books I managed to get my hands on but yet I never saw a single star.

My dream is to see the most beautiful stars and moon that shines above me where ever that is.

I sat in my room for hours as I reread a book that my mother left for me or so my brother said I loved the book.

I kept it in good shape for years dispute the spine being a little lose and the front is ripped it was my most valuable possession.

I read in till a loud bang on my door was herd causing me to jump, muffling grunts could be heard outside as I slowly got up and closer to the door.

Suddenly the door swung out and before me was him.

The green haired man. Zoro.

"Im here to take you to see the stars birdy." The man huffed out as I slowly got closer to him my book held to my chest.

"I cannot leave, he will kill you." I whispered unsure.

"He won't touch me. Or you. plus I haven't finished talking about the stars so need to come along."

And with that he turned around walking with his swords as I follow him.

I looked back at my room one last time, the room I grew up in, I learned so much but nothing at all.

Where I felt the safest but the most trapped. It was my confinement and I was leaving it.

As I ran after Zoro i couldn't help but smile, he saved me. He freed me of the cage I lived in. As we ran outside the alarms were blaring and I couldn't help but panic, maybe they knew I was gone.

We will get caught surely, before I could recognize that Zoro stopped running I ran straight into his back.

I noticed a boy wearing a red vest and jeans along with a straw hat, with a girl with hair like tangerines. They were fighting side by side against the marines.

"Shit" Zoro whispered under his breath as he goes to rush and help the boy and girl.

I stood there watching them intill my leg finally worked and I ran to help them as well.

"The imposter, the pirate hunter, the prisoner and my useless daughter." I turned around looking at my father my y eyes wide in fear.

"Useless? That's no way to talk about someone let alone family." The boy with the hat said a smile on his face.

"Fancy you four are working together huh."

"Yeah we're a crew!" The boy said smiling as both Zoro and the girl said.

"Nope, not a crew"

"Not together."

"No enemy has ever escaped my wrath.I I alone defeated the Black Cat Pirates.
I alone captured Kuro of the Thousand Plans. And I alone keep Shells Town safe from the scum of the East Blue." My father went on menacingly as I took a few steps back in till I was behind Zoro.

Zoro and the boy broke out into a fight as the women started to fight the marines that got back up, the only thing I could do was turn myself invisible literally.

As I stalked to the walls I saw a marine getting close to Zoro and without thinking I stuck the back of his head with another marines gun making him go unconscious.

Zoro looked back at me even though he didn't see me and smirked before coming up with a plan with the boy.

As the boys finally mange to take down my father I turn visible in-front of them as the girl gasp and the boy laughs at my ability my father looks at me.

"You will never be anything, you are just a waste of space" he said violently as I stared at him one last time.

"I am free of you." And with that the boy punched him so hard he was gone.

"Gum gum whip?" Zoro asked causing the boy to laugh.

"All the great fighters call out their finishing moves." The straw hat pirate said.

"No, they don't."

"Hate to break up this beautiful moment, but we need to get this safe out of here."

the girl said crossing her arms as we look down at the safe.

"Maybe if we find some rope or something."

She said but Zoro had other plans as he single handily lifted up the safe and put it on his shoulder as he walked with it.

"Or we can do that."

As we got to the small boat Zoro put down the safe as who I learned Nami shouted.

"Be careful with that"

"Whatever you say, oh wait I don't work for you." Zoro replied snarky as I smile softly at them.

"I'm sensing a little bit of tension amongst the crew" luffy said causing me to laugh at the same time the both of them shouted.

"Not a crew!"

"I can't leave without my friend" luffy said as he stared.

"I'm sure we can wait for them luffy." I said as he smiled back at me.

"We can't wait the marines will be here any moment." Nami said.

"The Marines are here already. You're under arrest." My god awful brothers voice said as I turned to him sharply he had a gun pointed at us.

Luffy looks at him and at the same time we both laughed at my brother's horrendous haircut.

"What's wrong with his hair?" Luffy asked as Zoro proudly states "I might've done that."

I giggled into my hand as Zoro smirked at me winking.

"I won't let you make a joke of me.
I'm taking you in and handing you over to my father. I'll be the hero. I might even get a medal or something."

But before he can finish my brother falls and a boy with pink hair stands behind him.


"God that hurt" he said holding his fist.

I turn around giving him and his friend a moment as I went into the ship as I looked around.

the door opened behind me and seems like Zoro had the same idea as me as we were chest to chest in the small room.

"I'm about to rest, are you too?" He asked as he stared down at me I only nodded slowly as I looked into his brown eyes.

Zoro walks past be as he lays down on the small makeshift bed he cramps himself into the wall and leaves space for me but I only stare at him.

"Are you going to lay down or do you sleep standing up?" He asked I only softly smile and lay down beside him on my back.

"Thank you" I whispered.

"Nobody deserves to be stuck in cage birdy." He said his voice just above a whisper.

"Icilia" I said softly.

"My name is Icilia."

"Pleasure to meet you Icilia." Zoro said as I giggled.

"Are you ready to see the stars birdy?" He asked as I turned my head only to connect my eyes with his that were staring at me from the start.

"I've never been more ready."

Little Birdy [Roronoa Zoro]Where stories live. Discover now