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Groaning I sat up rubbing the back of my head as Zoro kept grunting as he threw something up a wall. Getting up I noticed merry body as I felt sanded in-till I noticed we were deep underground.

"Zoro, love where are we?" I asked softly he grunted and got annoyed.

"We got hit upside the head those cowards too scared to fight us face to face. Now I'm trying to find a way up." He said angrily as he threw the rope up trying to get it stuck.

He continued to try it but it wasn't working.

"Plan B" he said as he started to slowly climb up the rocks.

I looked up feeling helpless. The anxiety of being stuck in a cage struck a cord, I knew my past was creeping up but i had to focus.

Watching Zoro i winced as he hit the ground pretty hard. He seemed distracted.

"I have to become the greatest swordsmen. I promised her a would." He kept telling himself as I stared at him. Who is she? The girl who promised and where is she now?

He started to climb the wall as he slipped here and there but he kept pushing himself. Almost to the very top his hand started to slip and I knew that the fall from there would be dangerous.

As his hand slipped I let out a shocked scream and threw my hand up. Both me and Zoro looked confused and shocked that a blueish purple wall supported under his foot so he wouldn't fall. Like a forcefield.

How did I do that? Pushing himself up he threw the rope down for me. Securing myself he pulled me up as I climbed.

Grabbing under my arms he lifted me out of the well he made me sit on the bricks for a second. Both of us panting as I climbed and he pulled.

"How did you?"

"I don't know." I whispered.

He stood i between my legs as I looked up at him. Both his arms at either side of me as he looked down at me.

"You saved me." He said and I just nodded lost for words.

He grabbed my chin extremely delicately and kissed right under my jaw, an appreciation.

I wanted more, I wanted to kiss his lips and show mine but he backed away a small smirk on his knowing what he just did.

"We need to get back to the others." He said as he pulled me off as soon took off in a run not knowing where the place even was.

As we walked down the path we noticed a few familiar people one of the shockingly was my brother and Zoro couldn't resist.

"Hey, haircut."

"Zoro! How'd you know where to find me?" Luffy screamed and my brother seems quite annoyed.


"Brother, I see you too hot away from father." I said softly and he only glared.

"I didn't. Thought I was headed to the house." Zoro and luffy started to make their way back to the house when Koby seems quite nervous.

"Hold it right there! By order of the Marines, I'm placing you under arrest." He screamed.

"Koby... I know you've got a job to do... but I'm gonna go back and help my friends" and with that me and luffy along with zoro ran back to the house.

Me and Zoro went into the house together as he lifted the heavy wall.

together we fought the two servants who were now dressed like a cat.

"That's odd, dressing up as a cat." I said giggling as the women hissed at me.

"either of you touch a hair on her body you'll be dead." Zoro said as he took out his swords everyone started to fight.

turning myself invisible I felt the energy drain from my body, I knew using this much of the power makes me drained since I don't use it often. I ran around sham the bigger guy and pushed him down the stairs to Zoro as I ran down the other staircase as I grabbed the rope I wrapped it around the maids neck.

We fought back and force she couldn't touch me or grab me as I was invisible intill she threw my over her body making me turn back visible.

She hissed as she grabbed her boom sword but Zoro came in time and took her attention as I got up and turned myself invisible again.

Zoro decided the fight was now over and took them both down. I grabbed the rope from the ground as we together tied them up.

Nami and the rest of the crew came into the room and me and nami hugged each other glad neither of us died.

I hugged luffy who smiled huge as he hugged me back.

Together we all walked back to the boats deciding that it was most definitely time to leave.

Kaya ended up giving us the ship making everyone happy as luffy and I were the first on it. Usopp and Kaya had their moment as Zoro too came aboard the ship watching me and luffy running through it looking at all the new things.

"I think it's time for you to rest hm?" Zoro asked as I went to run past him. I smiled as I nodded and soon enough we found one of the rooms of the boat.

"You know I'm not that tired Zoro!" I said giggling as I got into the bed.

Zoro sat on it as I lauded down a smile on my face and smirk on his.

"Yes well you used a lot of energy you need to sleep." He said as I rolled my eyes. Zoro stared at me as I looked at him.

"I'll never let anybody hurt you. I promise, with everything in me. You would never be hurt." He said holding his hand to his heart.

"Zoro I-" I looked at him trying to find words to say. I couldn't come up with anything, deciding it's time I leaned up I put my hand on his face as I close my eyes and connect me lips with his.

At first he didn't respond making me regret what I didn't and felt that I pushed him intill he pushed against lips harder as he kissed me back. He moved closer to me as both hands where at the side of my thighs as he gripped my waist his other in my hair kissing me with so much passion.

We pulled away as I lost my breath and Zoro rested his forehead against mine.

"Mine." He whispered.

"Yours." I whispered back and with that Zoro kissed me again one last time before getting up.

"Sleep." He commanded making me smile at his control of his flustered self.

Falling back in my bed i sigh dreamily. We just kissed.

Little Birdy [Roronoa Zoro]Where stories live. Discover now