The book

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Walking behind Zoro and Nami I quickly turn myself invisible as I started to fight against clowns, I ran to luffy who was stuck in a tank full of water and quickly reappear.

"Well well well another devil Fruit eater? Which one did you eat freak?" Buggy asked as I just stared at him.

"WHERE are my freaks?" He screamed out.

"They're not coming." Zoro said his hand rested on his swords, before buggy can react the tank shatters as luffy punched his way out thanks to nami help throwing her staff. Backing up so the water didn't touch me.

I turn myself back invisible just in time to see buggy and luffy crawling to their things, quickly I grab the map before he would and it turned invisible as well as buggy screamed.

"Give it back you stupid girl."

As he got up I reappeared behind Zoro as buggy only laughs.

"You want a piece of me? Let's see what you got." With that Zoro rings up to him usinf both his swords and goes to cut him in half when his body disconnected itself.

"Surprise, shithead!" Buggy screamed laughing at Zoro.

"How do I slice a guy who's already in pieces?" Zoro asked me as I look at him.

"This is not part of the plan." I said.

As we all fight luffy comes up with a plan to kick and punch his body parts into the crates so he couldn't make his body again.

As I grabbed and held the map close to me I kick his shin into a crate and nami closed it.

before I could see it coming a fist punched me in the face turning me back visible as my body tumbles to the ground, immediately Zoro is beside me as my vision was blurry.

All I heard was "Bazooka!" In till my vision went black and my half let go of the map.


"This should wake her up" I heard as I opened my eyes and noticed luffy and Zoro standing over me as a man as crouched putting something under my nose to smell.

"There we go, welcome back." The man said as Zoro gave me his hand as he pulled me up his other hand now on my back steadying me.

"Thank you mr." I said softly.

"No thank you! Here is a basket a taken for helping us escape that man!" He said as he tried to pass us a basket but luffy shook his head no.

Me and Zoro started to walk back to the boat as we sat at the front of it. He rubbed my back in a soft motion as I leaned on his shoulder.



"Will it always be this crazy with luffy." I asked softly with a small smile and he smirked at me.

"Without a doubt." Zoro said as he pulled me closer my legs on his so I'm on his lap.

"what do you want to do next?" I asked him.

"Luffy will want to go to the grand line but maybe we can watch the stars soon?" He asked his voice almost quiet as if hes shy causing me to softly smile.

Getting off his lap and standing up Zoro looking at me as I grabbed both his hands pulling him with me. "Common moss head, let's go talk with our crew." I said softly laughing as I pulled him with me.

"Is every day gonna be this crazy with you?" Zoro asked as he stood behind me as his hand plays with a strand of my hair.

"Shanks always said... that if the path to what you want seems too easy... then you're on the wrong path." Luffy said smirking at Zoro.

"This Shanks guy sounds very interesting." I said as Zoro guided me back to the front of the boat.

We both sat down and got comfortable as we only focused on eachother once again.

"Did he scare you?" I whispered as I stared at Zoro.

"No, he was creepy though." He admitted as I couldn't help but laugh.

"Who names themselves buggy." I said laughing causing Zoro to laugh softly and it was the first time I heard this sound. I looked at him amazed, I was star struck.

His laugh was the most beautiful melody, it was rich and deep, it was real and genuine. I stared at him my eyes wide. "What?" Zoro asked but I couldn't respond.

"Birdy?" He asked softly.

"You are amazing Zoro, truly." I said as he only stared at me, I knew I was falling. I knew what I felt for him wasn't like how I felt for the others, he provided me with so much warmth and safety, he was different.

"I have a book." I whispered.

"A book? What is it about?" He asked as his hand now was behind his neck.

"The stars, w-would you like to see?" I asked.

"I would." And with that I opened up the book softly as I already was in the middle of the book.

"These are different constellations, within the sky." I showed his the pictures

"This is Aquila, it seems like it would be quite beautiful to see." I said softly.

Zoro stared at the side of my face as I kept pointing out different stars and constellations.

He knew he was falling, he knew the danger of it but he knew that no matter what he finds himself doing whatever it takes to protect me.

Little Birdy [Roronoa Zoro]Where stories live. Discover now