Look at me

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I sat down at the kictchen table in my normal white dress attire. Usopp who sat down here too as he had a sling shot in his hand hitting random pots and pans as I drank my water.

Me and Zoro ended up losing eachother as we explored the huge place and now I ended up here at I enjoyed my cup of water.

"Usopp what other adventures have you been on?" I asked softly as I rested my arm on the table and my chin on my hand.

"This one time I fight a swamp monster, he could swim through the swamp in seconds under each tree root with extreme ease. And he had radioactive spit that he would shoot at you and would burn you!" I laughed as I leaned into listen more, neither of us noticing Zoro and luffy who leaned in the door way watching us.

"And I had to stop him or else he would steal the map to the underwater city. So I took him down with my bare hands, I used my sling shot to blind him and tackled him!" He got on the table as I looked up laughing as I pictured it all.

"Couldn't sleep either, huh?" Luffy asked stopped Usopp story as he scratched the back of his head getting off the table.

"Not after that dinner." He said smiling as luffy and Zoro came down to us at the table Zoro watching me the whole time as he stared I felt something stir within me. He looked at me almost as if he was annoyed, as if he was possibly getting possessive of me.

"I hope I didn't get you in trouble with Kaya. Sometimes I get carried away." Luffy spoke with sincerity.

Zoro who now stood infront of me as I had to look up to him he tucked a stand of hair behind my ear while the others weren't looking.

"Oh, no. It was worth it. Seeing that look on Klahadore's face.  I thought his head was gonna explode. " Usopp said laughing.

"All that stuff true that you said? About the clown and the axe-hand guy?" Usopp asked.

"Mm-hmm. Every word. I mean, they're not as exciting as your adventures." Luffy said as he complimented the story he just heard.

"Yeah. And the One Piece, are you really going after that?" He asked.

"Yep. I'm gonna be the one to find it too." Luffy said proud.

"Man! I wish I could do that. But I can't leave. Kaya needs me." He said sadly.

"Is she your girlfriend or something?" Zoro asked.

"She's more like... my best friend. Her parents died a few years ago, and she... took it pretty hard, and... and then she got sick on top of that. I just want to be there for her, you know?" He said as luffy immediately understood Zoro has another take on it.

"She's gorgeous, and she's super smart. She has the best laugh." Usopp who seemed smitten kept going on about Kaya which was super cute.

"But, I mean, you don't think she, like, like likes me, do you?" Usopp said to Zoro who kept playing with a stand of my hair.

"You're asking the wrong guy." Zoro said as he didn't take his eyes off me.

"Okay. But if you were Kaya, would you like me?" Uospp asked.

" I already like you." I said taking my eyes off Zoro for a second but Zoro didn't like that as he turned my head back to look up at by my chin him as he continued to put my hair behind my ear.

"Okay, that's not what I... I... Never mind." Usopp said sadly as he shot his sling shot at a pan.

"Wow. You're a great shot!" Luffy said excitedly.

"Got it from my dad. He's a notorious pirate. I don't really remember him that well, 'cause he left for a life at sea when I was just a baby, but he'll be back one day." He shot again.

"Yasopp the Great!" He said makinf luffy gasp in shock.

"Yasopp? He's your dad?" He asked.

"Yeah. Why? You heard of him?"

"Heard of him? I know him! I...He's a part of Shanks' crew!" He said screaming..

"Wait. You know my dad?" Usopp asked smiling.

"Yeah, yeah, I do! He's the best. Always made time for some pirate wisdom." Luffy said smiling.

"So you guys, like, hung out?"

"Yeah. That's cool."

"If you're gonna talk about feelings, I'm really gonna need a drink." Zoro spoke up as he took his hands off my hair and looked around looking for alcohol.

"Uh, there's a wine cellar in the basement." Usopp said confused.

"Why didn't you tell me that before? You coming?" Zoro said as he started to make his way to the stairs me and Usopp following.

"Nope. Got everything I need right here" luffy said.

As we walked down the stairs and into the layer it was very dark and hard to see much.

"Now we're talking." Zoro said as he looked through the wines.

"I'm pretty sure they keep the good stuff over here. Oh!" Usopp said intill he fell the floor and tripped.

"Icilia? Zoro. Zoro? It's Mer... It's Merry. He's... He's dea..." I looked at the body on the ground as gasped as tears came to my eyes.

"Five blades. I think I've seen this before." Zoro said crouching down. We didn't hear the cat like steps that came close.

"Well, well, well. It appears we have some rats in our cellar." The butler with blades long stood behind me. I jumped and turned around.

"Those blades. I knew I'd seen your face somewhere. On a wanted poster. You're Kuro, captain of the Black Cat Pirates." Zoro pieced together but it was too late.

"Wait, Klahadore's a pirate? A dead one. They say you were killed by my dad?" I asked my voice trembling.

"A clever ruse. One that imbecile's ego helped me perpetuate. And as you'll soon learn, no one interferes in my plans." he smirked.

"So I will collect a bounty tonight." Before Zoro can take his swords out both of our vision went black as we both got sticked in the head.

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