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I woke up the next day to my blaring alarm, a siren ringing in my ears.
As I tried to find my phone I rolled closer to the edge of my bed, and the floor!
Next thing you know I'm eye level with my phone, we are both on the ground. I groaned as I got up and put my blanket back on the bed.

What a great start to my day.

I put on my uniform and grabbed some textbooks as I walked to the kitchen. Everybody else was asleep- did I mention it was 5 A.M.?

I know I know, 'why are you up so early in the morning Nari'- but I have a perfectly good explanation! I needed to study, and yes I know I sound like a nerd- but that's what I am.

Did you know that Dr. Seuss invented the word nerd?

Anyways, I grabbed a piece of cold bread and walked out of the apartment. As I went down the stairs I pulled my phone out and texted Yunjin.

She told me that she was also going to come to school and study in the morning, we had a biology test.
We were so screwed.



Huh?😟: r you coming to school rn?

Nerdi🤓: yuh

Huh?😟: like rn or are you already tehre

Nerdi🤓: im not there tf?

Huh?😟: oh

Nerdi🤓: .... are you?

Huh?😟: like maybe

Nerdi🤓: .... dawg you live 20 minutes away

Huh?😟: like whoops?

Nerdi🤓: like whoops is right

Huh?😟: anyways- the soccer team is there

Nerdi🤓: okay?

Huh?😟: maybe you can meet your new buddy!

Nerdi🤓: tf?

Huh?😟: Jaehyun!!!!

Nerdi🤓: istg

Huh?😟: i bet youll be the bestest of friends!

Nerdi🤓: and i bet that you'll be six feet under by tomorrow morning

Huh?😟: okay pooks

Nerdi🤓: anyways im gonna walk through the gates rn ill see you in a minute

Huh?😟: cant wait my love

Nerdi🤓: im gonna murder you btw


I smiled as I put my phone into my pocket and walked onto the school grounds.
As Yunjin had told me, the soccer team was practicing.

This wasn't the first time they had practiced so early- actually I saw them at the school in the morning quite often.

But this was different.

Calm Down ~ Jeong JaehyunWhere stories live. Discover now