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"Hurry up Jaehyun."
"I'm coming-" He panted.
"Can you not go any faster?"
"...I'm trying-"

I sighed as I continued to jog ahead of Jaehyun.

Please don't ask me why we were on a run together- honestly, I didn't know why myself.

"I thought you were some big shot soccer player- why are you so slow? Where's your stamina? Have you been slacking off-"
"Kim Nari-"
"Sorry," I muttered as I turned around and started to jog backwards.

"Show off," he said as he slowed down even more.
I groaned and stopped running.

"Come on, let's go," I said grabbing his wrist and basically dragging him along with me.
"I- I didn't expect you to be like this-" He panted. "I thought this would be a slow jog-"
"Well you thought wrong," I said as I turned around and glanced at him.

His cheeks were tinted red and sweat dripped down the side of his face, his hair was plastered to his forehead.
His eyes met mine and he slightly smiled as he heaved (which was not as charming).

"How bout' a break-" He said.

I let go of his sweaty wrist and stood in front of him with my hands on my hips.
"What do you want to do then? We only have 3 kilometers left anyways," I said.
"You're saying only three kilometers like we didn't just run 7-"
"You're lazy."

He huffed and glanced at the convenience store.
Our eyes met and we began to walk towards it.
"I'll pay this time," I said as the doors slid open.
"No you won't," Jaehyun said as he disappeared into the isles.

I scoffed and began to wander. 

"Yo Jaehyun- nice seeing you here," a male voice said.
"Oh! Hey Johnny...." Jaehyun responded.

I froze in my spot- Jaehyun's friends couldn't know that we were close.
Because they'd tell their friends- who'd then tell their friends, who'd then tell everyone.

I quickly took my hair out of a ponytail and wiped the sweat off of my face, as if I hadn't been running with Jaehyun. 

"Aren't you normally at dance now?" Johnny asked.
"What- no..." Jaehyun hesitated.

Jaehyun didn't tell me that he danced.

"Since when did you eat ramen, you've been on a diet for like 5 years? You're finally done?" Johnny asked.

Jaehyun also only told me that his 'diet' was temporary.

"I wouldn't say that," Jaehyun mumbled.
"Okay then- you're acting kind of weird. You better start sleeping more man. I'm heading out though, see you at practice," Johnny said as he walked to the register.

I glanced to the side to see if he was gone, only to meet Johnny's eyes as he passed by.
He cocked his eyebrow at me but kept moving, not saying a word. 

I quickly looked back at the chips and aimlessly picked through them, waiting for Johnny to leave.

"He's gone," Jaehyun said a minute later, walking up to me.
I turned to Jaehyun and smiled at him.
"I didn't know you were so shy," I said as I poked his chest.

"What- that's gold coming from you-" He started.
"You never told me that you danced on weekends- you just told me that you were 'busy' on the weekends."

Jaehyun looked at me sheepishly.
"Well you never asked," He muttered as he looked back at the snacks on the shelves.
"Alright then," I grinned as I noticed the ramen in his hand.

"Oh- this is for you by the way," Jaehyun said as he handed it to me.
"...Thanks," I said as I tried to hide my smile.

He grinned at me and began to walk to the register.
"I'm paying by the way," Jaehyun said as he already was handing his card to the cashier.

Calm Down ~ Jeong JaehyunWhere stories live. Discover now