i hit my peak at seven .1.

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24th september 1996
america ,Pennsylvania

taylor was a bright young girl who did reasonably well in school (when she goes  ) and was always complimented on her smarts and looks .she lives in a small country side in pennsylvania on a farm  with her mum ,step dad and brother ,austin .she's usually quite lonely though ,austin's only three and she's six so she dosent have a lot in common with him and dosent really talk to anyone at school as they don't share her interests.she has been practicing guitar lately and has a wonderful singing voice but dosent want to go anywhere with it as she's always told by her parents that she's really not that good ,but she finds it fun .she hates coming home at night and plays out in the fields with her guitar and cat and sings songs in the trees over the creek .she dosent like coming home because her step dad hurts her when he's angry ,he always says he can't hit austin cause he's too small and she's  more annoying so she figures she would rather be hurt than austin be hurt so she just let let's
him .

taylor's pov :

one day i was walking to school in a blue ,checkered summer dress and my hair held up half down in a clip with one small braid hanging that i did myself and was skipping to school with sandwich and orange juice box in a paper bag and i was singing something by dolly parton when i stopped in my tracks and scrunched up my eyebrows when i saw a house a couple down from mine had a moving van outside .i had to go and investigate so i ran to the van and looked inside when i was tapped on the shoulder and i flinched and turned around quickly .

"hello sweetheart ,can we help you "a middle aged women said smiling sweetly at me .she has a warm feeling to her ..motherly .i looked down to her left hand and saw i little brown headed  boy a little taller than me wearing nude shorts and a button up blue shirt with rolled up sleeves slightly hiding behind the woman's back .

"no i'm fine ,i just wanted to see whats happening "i said cheekily smiling up to her showing my missing teeth .

"well honey we just moved all the way from Cleveland  to this house "she said giggling at me .my jaw dropped dramatically and my big blue eyes widened with excitement.

"wow that's so far away "i said gasping .she laughed and pulled her son gently from her side .

"this is travis  ,he's seven "she said and he smiled at me
shyly .

"i'm seven soon " i said looking at him smiling and i could see he was less nervous .

"that's cool ,i turned seven ..wait i can't remember "he said in a cute accent accent and fully came out from behind his mother .

"i'm taylor "i said putting my hand out for him to shake .

"nice to meet you "i said shaking it and we both had big smiles on our faces .

"do you want to go and play? ,i can show you the best spots ."i said decided to skip school .he looked up to his mum for approval and she nodded and let go of his hand .i grabbed his hand and we both ran away and his mum shouted to be safe as we ran off giggling .

when we was in my field ,we climbed my favourite tree and was sat next to eachother talking about all our favourite things and laughed  at eachothers accents and before we knew it 3 hours had gone by  .i went to reach in my paper bag for my ham sandwich and orange juice and passed him half .he lightly stroked over my bruised wrist with his tiny fingers gently as i passed it him .

"what are those from taylor"he said still running his fingers lightly over them .

"oh them ,my step dad just does that sometimes when he's angry ,don't worry about it trav "i said biting into my own half .

"my mummy and daddy don't do that to me when they are mad " he said taking a sip of myorange juice .

"he only does it when i annoy him ,which i do a lot "i said taking the carton off travis  and taking a sip for myself .

"oh okay ..i just don't want you to be hurt "travis  said looking sad .taylor put an arm in his back and rubbed it .

"i'm not hurt right now trav ..it only hurts for a little "i said trying to comfort him .

"okay if your sure "he said lifting up his head and i kissed his cheek and gave him a big smile to show him i was okay

"cross your heart you won't tell no other "i said holding his hand and he nodded at me .

"taylor ..are we friends "travis  asked looking at me nervously .

"best friends "i  said hugging him tightly and we stayed like that for a while until we began chatting about everything including cats ,singing ,Cleveland  ,school and everything inbetween .


guys i warned you it was dark and i'm really not lying and it only gets worse from this point before it gets better so if you get triggered by these sorts of things please don't read it

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