im sorry

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taylor's pov :

i woke up with my full face feeling dry ,my eyes felt heavy and my full body just felt stiff .reluctantly ,i pulled my slim body up and let my head droop to the side where i saw a full clothed travis asleep on the edge of the bed .thats when the memory's from the previous night filled my head .rubbing my eyes and exhaling deeply ,i twisted my body to just look at him .

i dont even know what happened to end up here .i leaned in to that kiss .i thought i wanted that to happen.he got off as soon as i freaked out .yet i felt incredibly ..guilty .

just staring at his calm form ,still in his black baggy jeans and t shirt .deep green eyes closed and his breathing level and peaceful .i wanted to touch him .need to .

i put my arm forwards ,making the edge of my fingers come out my -his -hoody and touched the top of his shaved head .i saw the way his eyes softened underneath his eyelids as i gently ran my nails across his buzzed head .

after a few minutes ,i saw and heard him stirring in his sleep until his emerald eyes were in my dark blue ones .

the sides of his lips came into a slight smile when i put the surface of my cold hand on his cheek that radiated warmth .

"hey " he spoke in a deep ,morning voice .

"hello " i sighed as i slowly brought my arm back to my self and crossed my legs .

he groaned as he brought his 6,5 self to sit against the headboard while we sat in silence .me picking delicately as the ends of my jumper and him rubbing his face ,attempting to wake himself up .

"taylor i-"

"i know we have to talk about it "i murmured ,interrupting him .

"i was just going to say if you don't want to -then we don't have to .but ,if you do then we can "he said softly as i lifted my eyes to glance at his beautiful face through my blonde bangs .

"no ..i think i need to "i nodded to myself .

"well sorry tay ,i don't even know what happened you just looked so ,so pretty and i thought that's what you were getting at too and while we were in the moment ,lay down i just wasn't thinking about ...anything else and i guess i got carried away and make you sad and uncomfortable "he exhaled deeply at the end of his speech .

"no ,no !this wasn't you fault ..i did want it but then once it was ...progressing i just ,i erm couldn't do it .."i said quietly as a silent tear rolled down my smooth cheeks .

"and i don't blame you for that at all ..i don't know we have been friends since before i can ever remember and even since i saw you a few days ago ..its almost like that love iv always had for you just ..felt diffrent "he sighed .

"thats exactly how i feel too !i do love you travis ..i think more than a friendship type of way but i -i just can't be a girlfriend.i don't think i'll ever be able to "i said as more and more tears fell down my face .

"tay don't mean that .you would be the best girlfriend any guy could ever want ."he said pulling me to sit between his legs as he started running his fingers through my hair .

"but last night made me realise ..everything fucking triggered me ...i-i can't fucking do anything like a normal person and it's embarrassing and pathetic and you don't want that one does "i said progressively getting more and more worked up .

"tay .its not pathetic at all honey ..i want you and if all of that comes with you then i'm taking all of that too "he said softly ,kissing to top of my head .

"do you really mean that ?"i turned around so i was lay in his on my tummy ,looking up at him .

"yes i do "he said so simply ,smiling .

"but iv never had a boyfriend..or ever "i looked down as my words trailed off .

"and none of that is your fault ....your the sweetest person Ive ever met or known ."he said .

"so you -travis kelce -you want to be my actually "the corner of my lips came up as i said it .

"yes i do ,vey much "he whispered smiling sweetly .

"well ..i want to be your girlfriend "i bit the side of my cheek ,my eyes glistening.

"and you can be "he brought me further up so my head was on his chest and wrapped his arms around me .

after we just lay there for a minute ,i turned to head and looked at him again .

"just so iv got this right we are together ?"i asked and he bellowed a laugh and nodded .

"yes .we are "

i smiled -big .

"so what will be do as girlfriend and boyfriend ?"i questioned .

"well ,we will go on dates ,have sleepovers alot ,kiss and cuddle ,bake together ,go on trips ..and the rest is all up to you my love "he whispered.

"i think i'm going to really like you being my first boyfriend "i said as our faces got closer .

"and hopefully last "travis said quietly and his eyes flicked down to my lips .

"can i kiss you ?"he asked gently .

i nodded and our lips touched .this one was much better than last night .i was comfy .i has time to really appreciate my first real kiss .his lips were soft and only lasted about 10 seconds but it was wonderful .

we both pulled apart smiling at each other.

"wanna watch a movie ?"travis said and i nodded .

"okay i'll get changed and get us some food and we can watch whatever you want my love "he said getting up .he kissed my forehead before going into the bathroom and i collapsed back on my bed ,hand on my chest ,smile on my face .

i ran my long fingers over my lips again .savouring the taste on them and giggling .

i think i'm going to like this whole boyfriend thing .a lot .


lmao i'm such bitch i literally disappeared for like a month but i'm back !hurray .

hopefully some other books will be updated soon too .

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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