our love lasts so long . 4.

819 20 21

3rd september
pennsylvania,america .
warning :SA
no one's pov :

taylor was fourteen and travis was fifteen ,taylor would be soon in december .it was a saturday night and it was very cold .little snow trinklets are falling outside the window of travis ' living room and taylor ,travis and both his parents were cooped up in their living room playing poker but with cookies .the cheesy smile on taylor's face hasent left since she got here ,it was rare she would get those moments but when she did was was usually with travis or austin .taylor was wearing  a white knitted sweater she made herself with some grey joggers on and her curly hair in a little ponytail with little pieces hanging out and she has of course fluffy socks on .travis was just wearing black jeans and a blue turtle neck .

"taylor !your cheating i swear ."travis said shaking his head and handing taylor over two cookies while she laughed hysterically.

"hey don't blame me you suck at poker trav !"taylor said holding her hands up as everyone around the table laughed .

"it's getting late ,i better go or my mum and micheal will be mad "taylor said looking up at the clock and going to get up .a frown washed over his face , he wishes she could just stay .it's always better when she's around .

"hey darling it's already late ,travis has bunk beds why don't you just stay "travis 'mother said putting a hand on taylors shoulder .taylor visibly flinched but soon relaxed when everyone looked confused apart from travis .

"i-i mean i could ask..there's no promises though "taylor said smiling shyly .

"come on ,we can call them together "travis said grabbing her hand and leading her to the phone in  the house .taylor followed excitedly ,she didn't want to get her hopes up but she really wanted it .she wondered what it would be like to have a nice sleep and not be on edge all the time and keeping one eye open in your sleep .

when they reached the phone in the kitchen taylor hesitantly dialed the house number .travis noticed this and wondered why , he thought she would be excited to stay away from that house for a while .

"hey tay what's up ,do you not want to stay ?"travis said putting his hand on her arm .

"n-no !i do trav, i swear .i just ..don't wanna leave austin alone ..if i'm not there what's micheal gonna do to him ."taylor said trailing off her sentence at the end and looking down tears welling up her eyes .

"hey hey ,none of those tears "travis said hugging her from her side .taylor brought herself together and pulled the tears back .

"i thought you said austin was too small to hit ...and i don't think he would do ..you know ..the other stuff "travis said looking down nervously .

"well he started hitting me when i was four ..what's if it's austin's time "taylor said still not dialing .

taylor's pov :

"hey hey ,i know you want to protect him ..but you also have to think of yourself "travis said putting an hand on the side of my arm .i nodded and sniffled and dialed my house number .it took 5 rings before i heard my drunk mothers voice down the other side .i took a deep breath and began to talk .

"h-hey mom ..it's taylor ,can i sleep at travis 'tonight "i said trying to stop my voice trembling .

"what?,i don't care ask micheal"she's said and i heard shuffling from the other side of the phone .

"what is it taylor ?"micheal said slurring his words .

"c-can i stay at travis ' house tonight- please "i said talking abit quietly .

"hmm i'll have to think about that one "he said .i could see his smug smile through the phone .

"come on micheal i never stay out "i said biting the bullet .

"hey !young lady don't be giving me sas "micheal said raising his voice .

"i'm sorry ..just please ,i'll do anything "i said instantly regretting it .

"really anything ..well i will decide what it is you will for to make up for this." .travis ' eyes closed harshly as he heard the other side of the phone .

"o-okay ..so it's  a yes " i said taking a small pause waiting eagerly for a response .

"yes ,do whatever you want i really don't care ,just be back by tomorrow  night for your punishment "micheal said in an overpowering tone .

"yea i get it ..thank you ".i said and let out a breath .

"so is he your boyfriend or what?"micheal said .

"no he isn't "i said biting the side  of my cheek .

"good ,your not allowed to have one "he said and i nodded ending the phone quickly and smiling at
travis .he did not reciprocate.

"hey ..what's wrong trav ?" i said putting my hand on his shoulder .

"it's just ..if i knew there would be a consequence i wouldn't of made you call "travis said looking down looking guilty .

"hey ,hey ,i would of gotten one tonight or tomorrow either way .this is not your fault " i said pulling him into a big hug where i felt a few stray tears of his fall on my shoulder .i pulled him off and wiped his cheek while bringing him back to the living room .

"i can stay !" i said smiling and donna and ed both gave me warn smiles .

-1 hour later -

me and travis were both on the bottom bunk of his bed where his television was and i was sat inbetween his legs while he ran his fingers through my blonde curly hair .we were watching grease , it was our film .

it was pitch black ,i was lay down on my bed but my me eyes wide open .suddenly the door creaks open and yellow light leaks into the room making it slightly lit .suddenly ,micheal appears .i feel tears in my eyes but they don't fall .he gets closer step by step but when i open my mouth to scream nothing comes out .suddenly he's on top of me and i look down and i'm naked .i go to move and kick but i can't all my limbs are numb .i try to talk again and this time words actually spill out of my mouth ."micheal get off please ,please hit me instead."i say and this time tears do fall ."micheal !please don't .not again please !"i cry .

travis ' pov :

i and awoke by a movement on my lap and chest and my long eyelashes flutter .i see the grease credits playing and glance over to my window and see the creek with the moons light reflecting over it .i sigh and  go to close my eyes again when i feel more shuffling on me .i open my eyes quickly and look down to see me and taylor still fully dressed and small tears and slowly falling down from her beautiful eyes to her ears .i hear her mumbling words like 'stop' .and 'not again '.i decided to wake her and gently shake her body in an attempt to wake her .her blue eyes bounce open wide at almost an instant .and she breaths out "micheal "and looks straight up not moving .i run my fingers through her silky hair and she suddenly looks up to me and untenses .she grabs my shoulders and pulled her self so she's lying further up on my chest and grabs a blanket -pulling it to cover us both and entangled our legs .now she's comfortable ,she looks up at me vulnerable with tears in her eyes and i continue putting my hands through her hair .she just brings her face to mine and kissed me -gently- and for no more than 3 seconds .i was shocked .we have never kissed on the lips before ,only on the cheek .but i just kiss her forehead and she snuggles into my neck .

"i can see india right now "she whispers and i smile seeing her eyelids slowly close .

"me too tay ,meet too " i say rubbing her back .

"love you " she said even quieter and yawning after .

"to the moon and to saturn "i say before closing my own eyes and before we knew it we are both asleep in eachothers embrace .


okay guys the next ones gonna be the last one as them as teens for sure .it's actually pains me to write it but don't worry to much .hope you enjoyed .and btw jason is the younger brother and isn't born yet

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