i love you to the moon and saturn .2.

869 25 13

april 13th 1997.

warning :violence .
no one's pov:

taylor and travis had became inseparable.they went to school together and only talked to eachother ,no one else .they would escape school occasionally to go in their tree over the creek and taylor would sing them songs as meredith purred on travis 'lap and he would watch.taylor was now seven and travis was eight and where tied together with an invisible string .they met everynight in their tree and talked and giggled till travis' mum would drag him home .most of them nights in the trees concluded them both crying and travis hugging taylor after she took a hard beating .travis loved her so very much he hated seeing her hurt but he promised her on this first night ' cross your heart you won't tell no other '.and he intended to keep this promise to his best friend .when they were in their tree they occasionally went to travis 'house but never to taylors .they never when to taylors .she never let him .austin was now four and talked to taylor a little but he didn't know too many words .

one day taylor and travis were sat on their tree talking about school and about how they both despised the same teacher and how his heads shaped strangely and giggling to eachother .when travis was telling a story about how school so different in Cleveland taylor started braiding her hair and travis slowly zoned out of his story and watched her .the smell of the flowers filling up his nostrils ,the feel of the warm summer air ,the sound of the creeks water flowing and animals splashing .he felt so calm ,so happy .he loved everything in this moment .

"how do you do that"travis asked looking at taylor mesmerised .

"what ?"taylor chuckled moving to the other side of her hair .

"your hair ,like a pattern ." travis said pointing at her finished braid .taylor laughed at how confused he was by this as she taught herself to braid at such a young age as her mother didn't do her hair for her .

"oh braids ,i can't really remember how i learnt but other girls had them and i thought they were cute but my mum said she didn't have the time to do it so i have just done it ever since "she said said running her small fingers gently over them .travis continued to look at them with his plump,pink lips slightly apart and emerald green eyes wide as ever .

"you want to learn trav?"taylor said flashing her delightful smile with her new grown teeth filling up the gaps abit .he nodded proudly as taylor took his hand and they got of the tree into a field full of daisys .

"you can practice on daisy's first  ."taylor said picking a few daisy's and handing travis some and keeping some for herself .

"see you can make a daisy chain ,like a bracelet and it works like braids "taylor said folding the daisys slowly so he could watch .he sat very concentrated with his tongue out watching her movements.he then followed until they both had round daisy chains .

"mines too small taylor ,you have it "travis said and flashed her a lovely smile before slipping it onto her fragile ,bruised wrists .he ran his fingers lightly over them before bringing them to his small lips and kissing them lightly .

"all better "travis said and smiled and taylor cheeks turned pink before her smile followed .

soon after it, little water droplets started falling on the creek and dribling down from the winding tree branches and falling into the lily pads .the little blonde girls hair was now braided again by travis and she grabbed his hand and the small grey kitten and began running through the field to seek shelter ,their laughs echoing in the field .

"my mum and dad aren't in taylor we can't go there "travis said as they ran through the rain droplets .

travis ' pov :

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