our love will be passed on .6.

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5th february,
New York City .

no one's pov :

taylor was now 21 and living in the big city ,not india but it's a whole lot better than home .she works as a waitress at a restaurant but does guitar gigs at bars now and then .now austin's 15 ,he has a cell phone and calls taylor everyday and they talk for hours .they never talk about micheal or mum ,only themselves and what they are getting up to .taylor lives in a little apartment in brooklyn but often come to manhattan for gigs and coming out and such .

travis is 22,soon to be 23 .he's an accountant and works in the empire state building,he's doing pretty well for himself and lives in time square  .he moved from philly around a year ago as his grandfather was dying in new york and travis came to stay with him ,after he died trav had come to love new york so he stayed .he did consider going back to the little town in pennsylvania to see if taylor was still there ..but he knew deep down she would escape as soon as she had the chance .he used to have a girlfriend but it just didn't work out ,she was nice and everything but he wanted to go to america ,where he grew up .she didn't .and that's that ,he's been single well ever since he's moved here and he's okay with that .he often finds himself looking at that picture of little taylor in his wallet with her cute little button up blue shirt and curly hair and wonders where she is now ,is she okay ?is she alive ?did she make it to india ?when he does think of that he likes to imagine a little life for her .in his head she's in india in a little house on the beach and spends her days with about twenty cats and singing with her guitar on the beach and that reassures him .

right now travis is in bar called the old horse and is having a beer with one of his new mates .they both work on the 113 th floor in the empire state building and get along well .he's called patrick and travis likes him because he is hilarious when he wants to be but usually quite shy around people that don't know him .they are watching american football in this bar and it's only got a couple minutes left in the match and their teams down 12 points so he knows they aren't winning .

"pat im going for a piss ,do u want another beer "travis said tapping his back taking his attention from the game to trav.

"depends you coming for a piss before or after ,don't want ur piss in my beer "patrick said lifting and eyebrow .travis burst out in laughter and hit him lightly on the back of his head and went to the men's room .

once he had finshed he went into his brown leather wallet and brought out a folded piece of paper with a poem taylor wrote to him on his last day and read it again .he's read it so many times he know it off by heart but it always puts a smile on his face everytime .

to my dearest trav ,
i love you so much ,this last ones for you .

please picture me in the trees,i hit my peak at 7 feet in the swing over the creek.
I was too scared to jump in but i ,i was high in the sky with Pennsylvania under me
are there still beautiful things ?

sweet tea in the summer
cross your heart won't tell no other
and though i can't recall your face
i still got love for you .
your braids like a pattern
love you to the moon and to saturn .
passed down like folk songs ,
the love lasts so long .

and iv been meaning to tell you ,
i think your house is haunted
your dad is always mad and that must be why .
and i think you should come live with me
and we can be pirates
then you won't have to cry ,
or hide in the closet .
and just like a folk song
our love will be passed on
please picture me in the weeds
before i learned civility
i used to scream ,
ferociously .
anytime i wanted .

sweet tea in the summer
cross your heart won't tell no other
and though i can't recall your face
i still got love for you .
pack your dolls and a sweater ,
we'll move to india forever .
passed down like folk songs .
our love lasts so long .

travis ' pov :

i wide smile spread over my face . i got it in a letter so i always wondered ,what does it sound like in a song ?i fold it up and put it back in my pocket and go out of the bathroom to the bar .when i'm ordering my drink i hear a magical guitar melody that fills my ears with sweetness .i don't really listen to the lyrics as i am ordering my drink until ..

i hear "love you to the moon and to saturn ".my head jolted round as fast as a race car and my eyes glow and glisten when i see .her.

she's here ?!new york !!she looks so beautiful.not changed that much but she has a fringe and her hair seems to be straight but that's 100% her .shes a woman now .a beautiful one .it's my girl -taylor .

i see her smiling with true happiness while singing and it makes my heart warn .the poems even more beautiful as a song ,better then i ever imagined.i grab the two beers from the bar still wonderstruck and slowly walk back to my table careful not to spill them and place them down and sit back on my chair ,not taking my eyes off her .

"hey this girls  good ,ands she's pretty "patrick whispered and i just nodded with my lips apart and green eyes wide .

taylor's pov :

iv just finshed my second song of the night and am having a water break so i get down off my stool and go over to the bar and get a glass of water .suddenly i feel large arms wrap around my waist and i scream until they let go and i turn around with an angry expression on my face about to shout when my expression softens completely and my lips part,they soon then rise up into a smile .they can still both recall eachothers  faces .

no one's pov :

taylor jumped up and wrapped her legs around travis 'waist and burried her head deep into his neck in excitement.she remembered that smell anywhere and her eyes glowed ,with tears and joy .after he is done spinning her around in his arms he gently put her down and they look deep into eachothers glistening eyes and no words need to be said .they already know .taylor went on her tip toes and joined their foreheads and noses together and they looked deep into eachothers eyes that felt like home .


THEY ARE REUNITED.hurray he were all waiting for this part of the story to come and here it is .thank youu♥️

(btw taylor looks like this in this chapter )

(btw taylor looks like this in this chapter )

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