are there still beautiful things ?.8.

975 34 6

6th february
new york city

travis ' pov :

a warm light came over my eyelids, lighting them from darkness and my eyelashes fluttered opening and closing at the sudden light flooding in .i used my right hand and rubbed my eyes and ran my fingers through my hair .when i went to use my left hand ,i realised someone was on it .i looked down and smiled seeing taylor snuggled up on my chest ,my arm underneath her and our legs tangled .i just took the time to admire her .her now slightly curly ,blonde bangs falling perfectly framing her face ,her long eyelashes moving in her sleep .her cute nose close to my chest and moving when she moves her soft lips .god i haven't touched them in years,i miss them .no travis  stop ,stop she dosent think of you like that .don't give yourself hope .

soon after, i feel smooth legs rubbing against my hairy ones and see taylor's face go fully into my chest rubbing her nose against it . her long ,lustrous eyelashes twitch until i'm met with icy blue eyes looking into mine and the corner of her delicate lips move up as she moved her torso closer to mine so she was basically on top of me .

"did i tell you how much i missed you "taylor said ,her electric blue eyes still looking inside mine .

"yes tay ,many many times ,and i missed you too"i said leaning forward and we brushed our cold noses against eachothers .

"one sec "taylor said getting off me .as she tried to walk away i gently grabbed her hand and she kissed my forehead reassuring me she was coming back and went to my window and went on her tip toes to closer the blinds .when she reached up ,my shirt rose up so half of her black lacy thong was on show and i gulped and rubbed my eyes .travis. stop stop.

soon after she got back in next to me and came back to cuddling and sighed once she was comphy and closed her eyes .my hand ended up into her smooth ,blonde locks and she sighed deeply .

"hey ,what happened last night when i woke up "i said remembering.i couldn't remember until this moment .i could feel her physically tense and she took in a
deep breath .

"oh just a nightmare ,don't worry trav"she said tickling my chest .

"nightmare or flashback " i said looking down at her and she looked at me teary eyed .

"it dosent matter "she said and turned her head down again .

"it does to me ,i want to be here for you taylor ..i didnt do a great job at protecting you then i need to now "i said sitting up and she did too with her legs  crossed and facing me looking down at her fingers that were picking at eachother .

"you was there for me travis ,more than you could ever know did exactly what i asked don't feel like you should of done more couldn't "she said still looking down .i let out a large sigh and took her hands in mine but she still looked down .

"i could of done more ,i could of ..told my mum ,stood up for you " i said and she finally looked up at me .

"who knows ,maybe i would of got out sooner ,or later if you did that but it dosent matter now cause i'm here ,not there and i'm fine the time i was more worried about getting him more upset that i didn't even dare to tell anyone apart from  you"she said and i immediately picked her legs up and dragged her close to me and put her cheeks in my hands .

"i'm here for your now ,forever "i said making her look at me .

"same here kelce "she said with a smirk .

"so what was it about "i asked my hands still on her face .she got tearing eyed again and sighed .

"i'm gonna spare you the details but i was in my room in pennsylvania in my childhood decorations but
i was a teenager and all the toddler me was stood in the corner not moving and inch and then micheal came out the closest and i couldn't move or scream and then know ..and i woke up,felt way too real "she said looking down again .

"i should of beat the shit out of him when i had the chance " i said anger taking over my eyes .

"well it's too late now and only one
of us needs beating up "taylor said .i leant forward and put my hand on her cheek and wiped her tear .

no one's pov :

"come on i'll make us breakfast"travis  said and taylor jumped on his back while they ran through the apartment laughing and he put her down on a stool and got stuff out the fridge .

when he was reaching up his abs flexed and taylor bit her lip staring at him before quickly shaking her head and looking down .

"i'm gonna call austin !do you wanna talk to him "taylor said getting her phone out .

"do i ?! i miss him,YES "travis  said frying eggs in a pan .taylor looked down showing her teeth and dialed austin of her speed dial .

"hey austin ,you okay little guy "taylor said running her hands through her hair .

"HEY ,i'm just in my room ,what are you doing tay "austin said excited to talk to her .

"well ..i ran into travis so i'm in his kitchen right now "taylor said looking back at travis  smiling .

"did u stay the night "austin said and you could hear the smirk on his face .

"yes i did ,get your mind out the gutter "taylor said in a mom tone .they both started laughing on each sides of the line .taylor walked over to travis and put her arm around his bare waist and he felt his muscles tense and a smirk formed .she put the phone to his ear still hugging him from behind feeling his muscles .her light touch on his abs made him feel things .

"hey buddy ,long time no see "travis  said flipping the egg in the pan .

"hey trav !i feel like i haven't seen you or taylor in ages ,you will have to visit "austin said and taylor could feel the excitement in his voice and it broke her heart cause she knew that they would not be visiting .travis felt the arms around him stop in their tracks and get tighter around him .

"yeah maybe ..or you could come to new york for a week "travis said putting the pan down and putting his hands on taylor's that were against him .

"pft,yeah like mum and michael would let me "austin said scoffing.

"no no austin ,i want to see you .i'll come for your birthday for a day or two next month okay "taylor said and travis  could hear and nervousness in her voice and conjoined their fingers .

"YES YES ,i can't wait !im gonna make you something special tay and get your room all clean for you "austin said and she could hear his glowing smile through the phone .

"thanks austin ,look i'm gotta go i'll text you later yeah !"taylor said taking the phone back .

"see you ,can't wait to see u !"austin said and taylor chuckled lightly .

when she was off the phone she put it down on the counter and leaned against it and let out a large sigh .travis  places there food on the island and hugs her from behind spreading butterflies all over her .he wrapped his muscly arms around her waist all the way and kissed the top of her head .she looked so good in his t shirt and panties he thought .taylor kissed him on the cheek and sat down .

"travis ...will you come with me "taylor said looking up at him nervously .

"of course i will ,i was gonna ask anyway."travissaid smiling at her .

they both ate in a comfortable silence and stole some glances .


hope u enjoyed ♥️♥️

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