i was too scared to jump ,but i was high ,in the sky .3.

819 27 17

june 23rd
warning :described violence .
no one's pov :

taylor was now thirteen and travis was fourteen .they were still inseparable,joint at the hip .they were now in the holidays before going to high school and had many many more photos in their box .they would go to school more as they knew they needed concentrate to get into a good school together .they would only skip one day a month now and would help eachother study occasionally .right now they were in their field in the blazing sun quizzing eachother for their begging of year quiz .but now they have  gotten older ,taylor's step dad had gotten worse ,and now travis knew what exactly was going on as he was older and understood it ,he was finding it harder and harder to let go of it .he felt like telling his mother cause he knew she would help but everytime it comes to it he thinks back to the beginning of their friendship and the promise made .he wants to go over there and beat the living shit out of him for ever laying a hand his best friend   .

taylor was wearing a little summer dress with blue daisys on it and has her hair in two little braids with no shoes or socks  on ,laying down in their field and listening to travis try to read shakesphere to her with her head in his lap and playing with the flowers in her hands as the warm sun shines down at them .these are the moments she really cherishes,where she could escape for a while .with trav.

travis was wearing grey cargo shorts with no shirt and a chiefs cap on with sandles .it was 31 degrees and the hottest day of the year .

after a while of attempting to read ,travis soon gets bored and asks taylor to sing him a song and passes her the guitar with a wide smile on his face .

she sings a new one called everything's changed and he is blown away .her angelic voice fit so well with the tone .and the lyrics are what you would expect from a famous artist .he didn't say anything just sat their with his green eyes wide .

"that one's about us trav "taylor said putting her guitar down .

"well in honered m'lady "travis said putting on a fancy voice making taylor laugh .

"come on we are going in the water "travis said standing up and taking his hat and shoes off .

"FROM THE TREE ?!,no way travis "taylor said shaking her head and crossing her arms being stubborn .travis sighed before an idea popped into his head and he scooped taylor up in his arms and threw her over his shoulder as she squealed and giggled .

"travis michel kelce !put me down "taylor said laughing inbetween her words .travis ignored her and climed into the tree with her still in his arms .

"you in taylor ? ,come onnn the summers nearly over and we have never done this ..pleasseeeee "travis said looking at her with his hands together begging .

"ugh fine ,but i want your moms cookies in return for this "taylor said biting her lip trying not to give him the satisfaction of her smiling .

"deal !"travis said enthusiastically excited he won the deal .taylor slipped off her dress and threw it down to where travis ' cap and shoes were so she was in her underwear .

"i'm scared "taylor said looking down from the tree to the creek .travis took taylor's hand in his and smiled at her and squeezed her hand .

"don't be ,i'm right here darling "travis said warmly and taylor felt immediately better .

"3,2,1"travis said and after one they both jumped in the air .

when they were floating in the air ,it almost went in slow motion for taylor .she was seven feet swinging over the creek .too scared to jump but she was high in the sky with pennsylvania under her .are there still beautiful things in her life ?yes .travis ,sweet tea in the summer ,austin ,and her box .that's all that mattered .

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