and though i cant recall your face ,i still got love for you .5.

804 27 14

january 3 rd
pennsylvania,america .

swearing warning

no one's pov:

taylor had now recently turned sixteen and she was still sure of her plan .she was sure soon her and trav would be living in a little cabin with a fire place and a creaky rocking chair .she was sure there would be a tree over a creek that she would play songs for him in .they would have two cats and be far far away .no more micheal ,no more mom and they would be away in india forever .no more hiding in closets ,no more haunted houses .just bliss.

one day taylor was sat in their field with her guitar and she had her frizzy hair flowing in the light fall breeze .she was sat under the tree around all the crunchy ,orange leaves that had fallen on the ground and into the creek .a man's figure is from afar walking towards her and as soon as he gets close enough ,she's sure it's travis .she dropped her guitar and ran up to him holding up her long dress so her white cowboy boots were on show with a childlike grin on her face .as soon as she was close enough ,she leaped forward floating in the air until she landed on travis and they both fell to the ground laughing .when she leant up , still on top of him she gave him a quick kiss and leaned their foreheads against eachother .travis gently stroked her bruised cheekbone and lightly kissed it .she put her hand over his in it and closed her eyes at the soothing feeling of his cold hands on it .

"i missed you "taylor whispered opening her magical ,blue eyes again that almost blinded him .

"i was only gone a day love "travis said letting out a small chuckle .

"i still did "taylor said breathing in the autumn air .

"let's go to the tree ,we need to talk my love "travis said getting up and holding his hand out to help taylor up .thoughts were flowing through taylor's head .

that's it .he's ending our friendship.he's sick of holding me while i cry all the time .it's too much for him .

she was quickly snapped out of her thoughts realising they were in the tree .and travis ' hand went around her shoulders .

"taylor ..i - my mums pregnant "travis said looking at taylor with a look of sadness overflowing his face .taylor's smiled her eyes glowing with the news .

"travis ! that's amazing your gonna be a big brother ,aren't you happy? "taylor said hugging travis .his eyes filled with tears and he swallowed but it was as if something was stuck in his throat .it was .

"i'm really happy about it but mum wants to raise them in philly "travis said looking down .taylor came out of the hug looking confused .

"but travis we are going to india anyway "she said and put her hand on his back .

"that's the thing ..i - i can't go to india taylor ..i have to meet him ,i just have to and my mum and dad said i have to come too "he said and a stray tear trickled down his face and he stuttered in the sentence .soon after ,taylor's eyes pricked up with tears too.she was a mix of emotions all bottled up right now .worry ,will i ever see travis again ?!who am i gonna hold onto now ?.sadness ,travis looks so upset telling me this he must hate leaving me .anger ,how the fuck could he ruin our plans we have had since we was thirteen to go to philadelphia?! i'm leaving my brother .does he know how much that kills me .

"n- no ,you don't mean that travis "taylor said taking his arm off her back and more tears escaped her eyes as did they in his .

"taylor you know if i had a choice i would be in india with you right now .but this is the right thing !"travis said slightly louder but crying even more .

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