Everyone is born with a soulmate. No matter where or who you are, once you turn 19 everything your soulmate writes on their body will show up on yours too.
Many see this connection as a miracle, a way to communicate with their loved one no matter w...
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freaking out
"Okay, kids, I have to go. I am here because of work after all," Izzy's dad proclaimed, standing up from his place.
"Ah, already?" Izzy questioned. She nodded to show she understood, smiling at him. "I'll talk to you tonight then."
"I'll call you," he smiled back at her. "Take good care of her while I am not here, Jinnie," he turned to the boy, giving him one smile too.
Hyunjin smiled back at him, nodding. "I am glad I got to meet you, Katashi. I make sure to treat your daughter right," he assured him, making the grin on his face grow wider.
"Have a great day, kids," he waved them goodbye, going to pay for the whole table before leaving the restaurant.
"Jinnie," Izzy started once she knew her dad was gone. The boy looked up at her, asking what she needed with his eyes. She leaned closer to him with a smile. "You did great today," she proclaimed, connecting their lips.
Hyunjin smirked into the kiss, his hand making its way to her cheek as he pulled her closer to himself, deepening the kiss.
Hyunjin's phone started buzzing with new messages, but he couldn't care less. All he cared about at the moment was his girlfriend kissing him. She was the only thing on his mind since the moment they met.
However, as much as he wanted to just ignore it and keep kissing his girlfriend, she pulled away. "We're in public," she reminded him. "And your phone is buzzing."
"I don't care, whoever that is can wait," he proclaimed. As if he could hear him, Jisung, who was texting him until now, started calling him, demanding to get the hold of him. Hyunjin sighed, picking up his phone. "Why the hell are you browning up my phone?" He asked, annoyed.
"Why the hell aren't you answering me??" Jisung asked immediately. "I am freaking out, bro."
Hyunjin raised his eyebrow, confusedly looking at his phone. "You're freaking out all the time, Jisung. I am with Izzy now."
"I am not freaking out all the time!"
"Yesterday you freaked out because you thought you stepped on a butterfly. I am pretty sure whatever it is this time can wait."
"I kissed her," Jisung proclaimed, stopping him from hanging up on him.
"What?" Hyunjin asked confusedly. "Who?"
"Tessa. I kissed Tessa," he explained, jumping onto his bed. He stared at the ceiling for a while before continuing. "And I am freaking out right now. She is so pretty, Hyunjin! And she likes me! Can you believe it??"
Hyunjin scoffed, rolling his eyes at the male. "Is it the first time you two kissed?"
"Yes, duh!"
"Okay, okay, stop yelling into my ear."
"Sorry," Jisung chuckled. "But I am just out of my mind right now. She's my soulmate, and we just kissed minutes ago. I am going to marry her one day."
"Sure, man," he chuckled, shaking his head. "Marry her, but you know that means you have to kiss her without freaking out, right?"
"I am not dumb, of course I know!" He exclaimed, making Hyunjin flinch as he almost browed up his ear drums.
"Is she with you right now?"
"No, we kissed in front of my apartment before saying goodbye to each other. I am alone, that's why I called you."
While Hyunjin was dealing with his friend freaking out about kissing his soulmate, Izzy's phone started ringing too. She chuckled when she saw who was calling. It was a group call, but she was sure it was Tessa who started it. She quickly glanced at Hyunjin before accepting the group call.
"Hello?" Astran asked confusedly, having no idea why they were on the call.
"You better be dying or something, I just ran to the bathroom to hear you out," Amy proclaimed.
"Uhm, better," Tessa chuckled.
"Spill, girl," Seungmin, who took Hana's phone from her, said, making Izzy laugh.
"You're more invested in the kiss than I am," she giggled.
"Wait, how do you know??" Tessa questioned immediately.
"I am with Hyunjin, and he is on a call with the someone," she explained.
"Wait, what's going on?? Fill us others in too," Laska commented.
"Right, we also want the tea," Robin nodded.
"I prefer coffee, but spill," Riley chuckled, making a few of them giggle too.
"I kissed someone," Tessa proclaimed. "And that someone is Jisung."
"What??" Seungmin and Astran questioned at the same time. "Jisung kissed you?"
"That's what I just said," Tessa answered, rolling her eyes over the puppy-like boy, who was more interested in what she had to say than some of her friends.
"Okay, yeah, this is better, I don't regret joining the call anymore," Amy chuckled, glancing at the bathroom door. "I should go now though, you'll tell me details later, babe."
"Will do," Tessa agreed. "You guys are less excited that I thought you would, the fuck."
"Hey! I am pretty excited!" Laska argued. "And happy for you! You needed someone like Jisung in your life. Even I can't keep up with your craziness sometimes."
"I am not crazy at all, no idea what you're on about," she rolled her eyes.
"Right," Riley scoffed. "And I am not addicted to coffee."
"I genuinely thought you guys had some better drama, this is lowkey lame," Seungmin commented, giving Hana back her phone as he lost interest in the conversation.
"Don't listen to him," Astran said. "It's nice that you two finally made a move."
"Yeah, you and Changbin could finally make a move too," Izzy spoke up, turning it against him. "You two are flirting like all the time but still nothing," she shook her head.
"She's right. You don't want to stay being the only single one, do you?"