Chapter 3

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I woke up at 5. One of the worst things about me is: it's very hard for me to sleep again after I wake up, unless I'm really tired but that wasn't the case. I had gone to sleep at 10pm last night, so I was not tired at all. I got up and got changed. I put on my best shorts and a purple shirt from the new wardrobe my parents had given me, together with my new shoes, and did my hair. When I looked at my watch, it was already 5:40. My parents would wake up anytime, so, as I wanted to make them happy for the 2nd day, I made breakfast. I had always been bad at cooking, but eggs and bacon were our favorite breakfast, so it was not hard. When they woke up, it was already 6:15 and we all had to hurry, because, as their work started at 7:50 and they had to drop me at school before it, I had to be at school at 7:30. I didn't like that idea, because school only started at 9, but I didn't tell them that, because when they told me about school, even before we moved, they gave me a bunch of ideas to do in that 1h30min that I had there before it started, which was very kind of them.
We were at the car at 7:10, and, when I arrived at school, I was surprised to see I wasn't the first one to get there

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