Chapter 19

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One day, in an online class, we had to work in pairs. Naturally, the twins couldn't work together because they literally lived in the same house, and the teachers wanted to make them work together as least as possible. I worked with Liv and Lia worked with Ella.
However, there was a "surprise": at the end, one group had to join another group, and immediately and Liv had to join Charlotte.
- Where is your pair?- Asked Liv
- I don't have one. It's just me. - Answered Charlotte
- Okay, so it is just the three of us. Let's start!
We surprisingly worked very well together, and ended up getting an 100%!
- Sorry for the other day at the cafeteria - said Charlotte. I wasn't expecting that. - I say we go again. I'll pay for everything.
We agreed and went to the cafeteria, where, this time, we talked and actually had a lot of fun.
Ella left early, and the twins went to a shop with their mother, after promising they'd come back after less than half an hour. I thought it would be okay, so I agreed.
However, a few minutes later, Charlotte said she was feeling sick and grabbed her phone, but didn't seem to be able to to whatever she was trying to do.
- Can you call my mother please? She's in my favorite contacts. Just click it, I'll talk to her. - She said
- Are you ok? - I asked, worried. But I could see she was almost throwing up.
- Low pressure. It makes your vision bad. I can't see anything right now.
I clicked it, and her mother picked up almost immediately. I heard their conversation, and her mother said she'd take a while, so I needed to stay there with her.
Five minutes later, the twins called and said they were coming back, which was really good because Charlotte seemed at the very verge of fainting. Her mother arrived soon and let us know she'd take Charlotte to the hospital.

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