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Dearest Reader,

Thank you for choosing to take on this adventure!

Please know this is my first story on Wattpad. There may be mistakes and cringe inducing moments, but do let me know how this story goes for you. Vote, leave a comment or send me a message. Any feedback will be highly appreciated.

Before you continue to read, there are somethings you need to know.

1. My aim for this story is to stay lighthearted and will not contain explicit mature content.

2. It is important to know that there will be scenes and themes of same-sex relationships throughout the story. If this is too much for you, please exit this story as I do not want to induce any kind of trauma on you, dear reader.

3. This is a FAN FICTION. Though the scenes and persons depicted in this story are inspired by real world persons and occurrences, remember that ALL the contents of this story are pure fiction. Coming from the imaginative mind of a random fan, please do not take the actions, persons, words and material from this story to represent any true event or person.

I love BTS and every member. My respect and love for them, perhaps, overflows that it empowers my creative juices to conjure up this story. I wish them only the best that the world has to offer.

To close, this story is still a work in progress.

I do not know yet what the future holds for this story and the characters involved. If you favor a particular ship or pairing, feel free to let me know or express yourself in the comments. I did not tag or highlight a particular ship at the start of this story as I am still on the fence.

I see this story as a compilation of prompts strewn into a series following the initial incident. Hence, I am letting my imagination just fuel each chapter. 

For transparency, I do not own any of the images or videos shown throughout this story. The source material for the cover image is wallpapers.com and is noted as license free when I saw it; while edits to include the title and other elements were done by me.

I hope you enjoy reading this as I have done for many fascinating stories on this platform. If you are fine with everything I have said above, please do continue on to the next chapter. Our story begins.

Thank you again for taking the time to read this portion.

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