Prompt 3 - The Run for Your Life

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Bzzt. Bzzt. Bzzt.

Armies across the globe scrambled for any news about what happened to their Jin oppa

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Armies across the globe scrambled for any news about what happened to their Jin oppa. What kind of mess took place in the BTS dorm that would lead to an emergency overnight surgery? Diehard fans and bloggers began the search for the greater good of the Army. The majority, instead, took to Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and any other social media to push the hashtag of the week #GetWellSoonJin. It was easily trending within hours. With the amazing editing skills Army has obtained, the digital world became flooded with comedic, cheerful and colorful contents for Jin and BTS. Meanwhile, at the dorm, the members did their own version of #GetWellSoonJin.

Everyone's hyung was coming back in a few hours. The members couldn't skip some schedules for the day of his surgery. Thankfully, at least Namjoon and Sejin stayed beside Jin throughout the endeavor. That meant only one thing for BTS, that Yoongi and Hoseok were left in charge and both had a penchant for orderliness.

"Okay," Yoongi said as he stood in the living room with the other members in various places of the common area. "We gotta talk before hyung gets here."

"The company already took care of cleaning services while we were out earlier today so that's one less thing to worry about," Jimin followed up. "What's next, hyung?"

"Well, obviously, how to take care of Jin hyung when he gets here. The surgery is a minor one but they will put his hand in a kind of cast thing. So, he'll need help doing everyday things," Yoongi replied.

"The company said we could get him a nurse," Hoseok chimed in.

"Nooo!" The other members were quick to reply.

"Hyung," Jungkook rose from the couch to put an arm around Yoongi's shoulder, "Jin hyung is family. We gotta take care of our family." He said in a breath complete with a dashing smile at the end.

"He does have a point," Taehyung added with a nod. "Should we even let other people into our house? It's too risky."

"More than that," Taehyung got out of the couch as well to join the two standing up. "Should we even let other people take care of hyung. Making his meals, helping with his clothes, going to the bathroom and taking a bath - these things are too much for an outsider." He calmly said with a disapproving shake of his head. "It could be a disaster. So, I will just have to do it."

If looks could kill, Taehyung would already be six feet under from the combined stares of the members. But, he also had his most handsome man of the world confidence and Tata Mic face to combat them.

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