Prompt 2 - One Day Surgery

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It was only a day but it has been the most stressful day they had in a while. More treacherous than the days of nonstop practicing, of vocal training, and of paying their dues as new idols, yes, the last day has been stressful because who thought that they would still encounter a medical emergency like this with their status of global icons and having a parade of support personnel.

Since the first shout of their maknae for help, the members have been on high alert. From filing to the scene of the crime, to trying to sneak into the hospital, to waiting by their devices for every morsel of update, it led to a strangely quiet house. Other than the usual noise of clanking tableware, of microwaving and toasting left-over food, and of shuffling slippers across the floorboards, the house was silent waiting for news. One of the managers updated their group chat to convey the much awaited morsel.

Jin has been checked out. Though the damage to his finger could be managed with therapy and medication, it was better to have surgery immediately to speed up the process and leave less things to chance. He is being prepped for a minor surgery in a few hours. If all goes well, he'll be back to the house by tomorrow to recover there.

Surgery. Today. Back. Tomorrow.

Those words were stuck in each members' mind as they read through the update.

[ 김태형/ Taehyung started a video call ]

[ Decline | Accept ]

[ Swipe right ]

"Hyuuuuuung!" Taehyung's voice rang out loud in the call.

[ ....Joined the call ]

"How in the hell could they treat Jin hyung in such a way?! Surgery today and be back tomorrow. What are they doing to him - warts removal?" Taehyung continued his angry tirade.

"This can't be right. Are they sure we got the best people looking at him? How can they treat him well enough if he'll be back tomorrow?" Jimin said with an angry pout.

"Is the hospital fully booked or something?" Yoongi joined in to ask.

"Okay, okay, that is enough for a bit. Give Joon some breathing room to actually answer." Hoseok finally managed to cut in.

"Thanks, Hoba," Namjoon said with a sigh. "I understand what you all mean, you know. I'm right here and I can't believe it too. But the doctors checked out everything well, he got x-rays and things before they made this call."

Namjoon panned the camera around to show the room. The VIP room, obviously, is sizable and well equipped. He was seated on a wide mid century grey sofa at the end of the room. Sejin was to his right with another staff member on the loveseat while also on their respective phones. In front of them were windows with the curtains parted to show the light in and the view of the city. Continuing to pan the camera, the scene landed on the hospital bed with hospital staff on either side looking busy. He got up from his seat and walked to the occupant.

"They need to clear lab tests for him before the surgery pushes through to make sure it IS actually safe for him to do it now."

Jin had his attention on one of the hospital staff who was saying some inaudible things. When he noticed Namjoon and the phone pointed at him, he gave them a simple polite smile and nod. The staff wasn't done talking to him yet. He was suddenly getting surgery so there was a lot to do in the short amount of time.

"Ah, finally, Jin hyuuuuung..." The members tried calling out loudly from the video call. Even if he could not hear them, they were craving to interact with him again and affirm everything they heard from him.

When the hospital staff shuffled away from the patient, Namjoon took this as cue to shimmy close to Jin.

"Hey, think you can say some words of encouragement to your biggest fans?" Namjoon turned his phone around and flipped the camera so he could talk to the others and see them too.

"Hi, guys," he started and added a small wave with his uninjured hand. The view was a little sad as the attached IV tubes also shook a bit with his wave. "You already got the news right?"

The members watched his moves with bated breath. Nodding their heads in agreement to answer his question.

"Things should be settled soon and Hyung will be back tomorrow. It kinda sucks this means more work for us with how we're gonna have to change things for the performances." His eyes looked away for a bit from the camera and remained downcast.

"But, your hyung will be fine. They can't stop me. I'm Baeyonce." He finished saying with a smile and an attempt at the signature hand movement from that song.

"Don't worry about that now, hyung." Hoseok assured his hyung. "Jimin and I will take care of things for the performance."

"You shouldn't even be worrying about that now, hyung." Jimin chirped. "You're having surgery in a few hours. That should be all you're focused on."

"Hyung, fighting." Taehyung managed to cut in. "Just get better. That's all you need to do right now."

Jin could only smile at the care the others expressed for him, but one member in particular had been too quiet. Only his pouting face and seemingly trembling lips could be seen throughout the call, while the others talked and asked about his well-being. Namjoon also cut in a few times throughout the call.

"Hyung..." a quiet voice joined the conversation which made the rest pause. "Are you really okay?"

Jin took a breath before replying. "I am just fine, Jungkook-ah. I really am not kidding when I said I will be fine after the surgery too." He received no reply from the maknae who continued pursing his lips in the call.

"Since there are no broken bones, only a tendon was damaged. They are only going to do the surgery to not have any issues later on. The doctors even told me that my finger could become more crooked if I let it heal on its own and not do the surgery. It isn't life threatening either."

He looked at all their faces once more. Soaking up all the love he got just from the way they looked at him. "Okay, that is it. I have more paperwork and clearances to complete to get back home as soon as I can."

"Aww, hyuuung, why so soon?" Taehyung put on his best begging face.

"Yes," the eldest chuckled at his antics. "I gotta go, hoes. Got places to be." He waved at them again through the camera. "The house better be nice and clean when I get there tomorrow. This patient needs the worldwide handsome VVIP treatment, you know."

They could only smile at his positivity. Waving back to their hyung, the members said their goodbyes and their promise to stay updated through each other and the managers.

It was a little sad that as celebrities they couldn't cast out their frustrations into the world through social media. Posting well wishes, sadness from the news, to thank the hospital staff for their care or overall just to decompress from the rush of things, they could not do as normal people do when dealing with things.

 Posting well wishes, sadness from the news, to thank the hospital staff for their care or overall just to decompress from the rush of things, they could not do as normal people do when dealing with things

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End of Chapter 2

Author's Notes

Laying the ground work some more. Am I being too slow in the pacing of this story? I have a few more prompts in mind but just haven't quite finished writing them all out. The next chapter isn't done yet.

Do let me know if you do have some ideas in mind. Let's see if we can incorporate them. Thank you for reading up to here.

For transparency, images are sourced online from BTS' Twitter (or X) account. The video is from BTS Live (

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