Prompt 4 - Simon Says

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* click click click ping *

The sound of a door opening alerted the members inside the Bangtan house. Finally, with some shuffling sounds, the door opens fully. Clothes and shoes rustle about before a voice calls out.

"Hey, everybody," it was their manager, Sejin hyung. "We're back."

He was first past the threshold of the doorway carrying what looks to be their overnight bags. He turned back after putting the bags down away from the entrance.

Gathering towards the doorway, the six younger members eagerly waited for one more voice to call out. More shuffling by the doorway could be heard, while the members tried to contain their nerves.

A mop of ashy blonde hair peaked from the corner of the wall to reveal their leader, Namjoon.

"Hi, guys," he said with a smile. "Yes, we're back. The patient is right here." Then, the blonde head disappeared again only to return with their dark haired hyung.

"Yes, hello, everybody," Jin said tiredly with a lazy smile and puffy eyes, almost like he had just woken up from a long tiring sleep. He had taken off his jacket and was in a loose shirt. His arm was in a sling while the hand was wrapped and in splint.

A collective sigh of relief could be heard through the room. Hyung is home.

The next thought in the minds of the younger ones is, yes, Namjoon does not deserve one of the five tasks. Their leader clearly had his mits around the eldest at his leisure. One arm was around his back and supporting him, while the other hand was holding onto Jin's hand as he walked. If Jin wanted to wave to his members, he couldn't because of Namjoon.

However, the members were quick to crowd their hyung; bombarding him with questions about his well being, the surgery, his hand, and anything else

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However, the members were quick to crowd their hyung; bombarding him with questions about his well being, the surgery, his hand, and anything else. Maybe a little bit, they were also trying to get Namjoon away from Jin's personal space to squeeze in themselves. It was Sejin who stepped in to stop the mess.

"Okay, okay," he cut it. "You all have to calm down. Sit down first everybody and let's talk." Once settled, Sejin got started to speak.

"It's clear that we have some adjustments to do around here because of the current situation. Since you already declined getting a nurse or a house helper, I assume you guys are comfy with splitting up the chores." The boys nodded in response.

"Don't worry, hyung," Hoseok said. "We already talked about this before you came back. We wanted to be ready. Can't you see how neat everything already is?" He added a sunshine smile and a flare of his hands.

"Yes," Sejin nodded, "it's a little sus though hahah. But that's good. Should I leave you all to it then? The doctor will come by for his check ups before we would need to go directly to the hospital for any further exams. That splint stays on until the doctors tell you, remember?" He pointed at Jin, sitting in the middle of the couch, who nodded in response.

"All the medicines you need are already with Namjoon. I'll head back to the company first to get updated on schedules and what we do next, okay."

"Thank you so much, hyung. This has been all so sudden and I can't thank you enough for being here with us." Jin said.

Heads watched as Sejin gave Jin encouraging pats and smoothened his back before turning to exit the house. Once that door clicked and locked, meerkat heads turned to the center of the couch again. Before Namjoon could say anything, he was cut off by Jimin.

"So hyung, we know you went through a lot suddenly so we decided to take care of things for you. That way, you can really rest. Since Namjoon hyung already has your medicines, he can make sure you take them." He gave the biggest eye smile he could, hoping to sweeten the mood for his next words. "While you can leave the rest to us, hyung. We even made a chore chart."

"Waaah, Jimin-ah, you don't have to do so much for hyung," Jin said feeling shy and trying to close in on himself

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"Waaah, Jimin-ah, you don't have to do so much for hyung," Jin said feeling shy and trying to close in on himself. "I can work around this. You are already doing so much because of the changes needed in the choreography and planning."

"Aish, hyungie," Yoongi cut in, "it's okay. It's more of a burden for us if we can't take care of you when you are sick." The rest nodded their heads in agreement. "The best way you can make this less of a hassle is to be a good boy and listen to us. Think you can do that?"

The eldest suddenly felt the roles were reversed. With all eyes on him with sickeningly sweet smiles on their faces, he felt small and a little pressured.

"Yeah... okay. Thank you."

End of Chapter 4

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End of Chapter 4.

Author's Notes:

Well we're off to the exciting parts. Do you have any requests on who gets what? Plus, I have a surprise incoming too. I know the pace is a little slow. I am just a stickler for setting up the scenes.

As with my previous chapters, the chapter cover is from Koreaboo, while the GIFs are from

Do let me know your thoughts. Thank you so much for voting.

Borahae! v(^~^)v

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