Prompt 5 - Say Aaah

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As he had done the past two days, Namjoon helped Seokjin and his things to his room. There was only a bit of unpacking to do as Seokjin didn't use much of the things they did bring to the hospital. His things may be the one that needs more attention now than those of his hyung.

Using his uninjured hand, Seokjin propped one more pillow to the back support tower he made at the head of his bed. He could sit comfortably there as he rested.

"Namjoon-ah," he said as he dropped himself on his bed and could finally relax against the soft pillows. "Thank you for everything you've done the past two days. It could not have been easy. Hyung should be the one helping our leader instead it is the other way around."

"Nonsense, hyung," Namjoon replied as he shook his head and took a seat at the end of the bed. "There is nothing I want more than this chance to take care of you."

"Yah, you sound like all this is a good thing."

"Maybe it is," he said as he chuckled a bit. "Do you think this is divine intervention? Maybe the universe is telling you to relax a little bit by forcing this break on you. You and I both know how hard you have been practicing for our upcoming performances. Maybe it wasn't healthy anymore."

"Maybe... but that is just what our team and ARMY deserves. The very best from me," he fiddled with his fingers and the hem of his shirt as these words escaped his lips.

Namjoon moved closer to Seokjin and pulled the fingers into his own hand. Letting his thumb rub the top of his hand while his fingers gently squeezed, Namjoon put his other hand on top of their entwined digits before looking up meaningfully at his hyung.

"Hyung, no matter what you think, I know that every time you are always giving your best. Please do not doubt that. I am sure ARMY can clearly see that too, just look at how much they love you."

"Aish, now it is the younger one cheering on this hyung so much now too."

Seokjin added a hearty chuckle to his statement but ended up cutting it short. Namjoon kept holding his free hand, while his other hand moved to reach his hyung's puffy cheek. With a wide grin on his face, Namjoon let his thumb also rub on Seokjin's soft cheek.

"How can I not cheer you on when your sad look is just making my heart break. Can you just think of yourself getting better for me instead of all these nasty thoughts running around in your head?"

"Fine. My leader is commanding me. I must obey."

"That is more like it." Namjoon ended with a smug smile on his face.

" Namjoon ended with a smug smile on his face

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A busy kitchen welcomed Namjoon as he walked to the first floor of the apartment.

"Hey, guys, what are we making here?"

Yoongi was in charge of the cooking now that Seokjin was out of commission, so all the commotion was around him.

"I'm getting some dinner ready for Jin-hyung. Dinner for all of you, well, will be delivered shortly."

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