Prompt 6 - Sending...

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The members gathered at the dining table with Hoseok and Namjoon taking out packages from the bags. Setting the delivered food on the table, the others set out to organize the utensils, sauces and plates to divvy up the meal. Sitting down together and enjoying dinner, Namjoon was happy to be back home. The past 2 days have been full of adrenaline that makes one truly appreciate the normal pace of daily life like this. However, there was a strange phenomenon at the table.

They ordered a hearty meal of fried chicken, barbeque pork, stir fried vegetables, mixed rice, and several side dishes. Though these meals were all meant to be shared, two individuals were eating at a particularly fast pace. On one side of the table, Jimin and Taehyung were practically slurping down pieces of chicken, scoops of rice, and servings of vegetables. They were not even conversing. They would simply pick something up, chew, swallow and repeat.

"Yah, Jimin-ah, Taehyung-ah," Namjoon finally cut in. "What has gotten into you? We ordered a lot and this is for sharing. Why are you eating like there's no tomorrow?"

Slurping a loose piece of bean sprout, Taehyung replied as he chewed, "We're okay, hyung

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Slurping a loose piece of bean sprout, Taehyung replied as he chewed, "We're okay, hyung. Just want to get our meal over and done with the soonest. Lots to do, y'know."

Namjoon had to raise a brow at his comment. They did not have any schedules today precisely because Seokjin was coming home. They wanted to have a nice meal together to welcome him back.

"There is nothing to do today," he said plainly and turned to look at the two. The two also shared a look.

"Ah, hyung," Jimin looked up to say, "this food is just great. It is so good to be back together again. Don't you think so?"

With a sweet smile, he looked at Namjoon. The other members simply grumbled responses to the statement.

"Come on, hyung, enjoy this peace and the nice food we have after what we went through," Taehyung added with an equally sweet smile at the end.

Namjoon turned back to his rice bowl, occasionally checking up at the members. In his mind, there truly is something he is missing. But what that was, he had no idea yet.

After some time, light footsteps could be heard from upstairs. The members were still lounging at the dining table with the remaining food. Yoongi came down and was greeted with "hey" from the others.

"Come and eat, hyung. We saved you some meals." Hoseok said.

Yoongi walked to the sink and put the empty dishes to soak. Six pairs of eyes were on him as he pulled out a chair to sit at the table.

"Hmm... I'm not really hungry. Jin-hyung and I shared some meals." Those eyes turned quickly into piercing gazes. He picked up a chicken leg and bit on a piece.

"I also helped him with the medicine he needed to take. He's resting a bit now. We ate a lot."

"So maybe 30 minutes is good enough to digest, right?" Taehyung was quick to ask.

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