Prompt 1: Jungkook, what did you do?

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"Hyung! Somebody help."

Jungkook yelled in a frantic voice from the second floor of their shared apartment.

Though panicked a bit by his tone, the rest of the members turned their heads in the direction of his voice. Making their way to the source from wherever they came from, they wondered what did the maknae do now that he needed help so suddenly. It was quite normal for him to have ideas throughout the day and approach anyone of his hyungs to either join him or help him clean up. But, this time, they were not prepared for what he said next.

"Hurry up. Call for help. Jin hyung got hurt," he continued to shout.

Those words put a sudden stop to their movements. Walking at a normal pace from the kitchen, sofa, rooms or studio was not going to cut it. Five pairs of feet stomped the floorboards, hurriedly up the stairs and nearly crammed their bodies at the bathroom threshold.

Truly, what did Jungkook do now?

The members came upon their eldest member on the floor of the bathroom groaning in pain with the youngest member at his side. His legs to one side, an elbow on the floor while clutching his left hand, worldwide handsome Kim Seokjin was injured. Worst of all, he was only in his boxers. 

"Okay. First things first, we need to call the manager Sejin to get an ambulance here. ASAP." Their leader, Namjoon, quickly said as he pushed into the room to approach Jin. Hoseok pulled out his phone to dial one manager, while Taehyung tried another.

"Does anybody here know how to give first aid in this situation?" He tried to assess Jin's hand but could not make heads or tails of the injury. The members could only shake their heads to say no. For almost a decade together and being artists, they have always been surrounded by people who knew those things. They only had to focus on music, the fans and each other.

"No, I don't think anyone knows that." Jimin replied by the door and continued, "just call someone quickly. They needed to be here yesterday."

"Okay, while you do that," Yoongi cut in as he approached as well, "first things first. What the hell did you do now, Jungkook?"

Though he did not yell, each word was laced with intensity and pressure. Jin was their priority but their heads turned to the second oldest quickly.

"Hyung..." Jungkook's voice trailed begging for something which the other members were not sure yet for what. They hung on to his next words to finally get some clarity on this situation. It is easy to assume that the youngest had tried to do something to their hyung which ended in failure and obviously injury. With wide doe eyes and quivering lips, Jungkook tried to piece together what to say next.

"Hyungs, it was really an accident. I just touched him a little bit..."

"What!" echoed in the small bathroom in various voices.

Yoongi, who moved closer to Jungkook earlier, grabbed the younger boy by the collar of his shirt in surprise. He could not stop himself from pulling the younger boy closer to hopefully ask again and not get the same answer.

"How could you do that?"

"Have you lost your mind?"

"Tell me, you're joking."

"What were you thinking?"

More questions flew around the room in quick succession. Filling up the space with loud echoing voices, their barrage was annoying the most important person in that space until he finally cut in.

"Okay, stop it." Jin yelled and finally silenced the voices. He continued with his signature barrage of complaints.

"I am in pain here. Can't you all see that? What do you do? You argue in front of me instead of getting me the help I need. Did you think this is a game? Get your heads on straight and get me an ambulance now."

Hyung Needs HelpWhere stories live. Discover now