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Next day :

Yn Pov:

I got ready to go to my uni.I grabbed my bag and went to uni.My friend , Lia, already left as she had something important to do .I walked in the uni and saw my friend sitting at the bench.I walked towards her and sat next to her.

Yn: Hey , what happen.You left early.

Lia: Yn, today I am going to tell him.

Yn: That's nice.Now let's go and find him.

Me and Lia got up and walked around the uni to find her crush Kia.

Yn: Lai , I need to go to the bathroom .I'll be back but you go and find him okay.

I left her and went to the bathroom.When I came back I saw Lia crying.I ran to run .

Yn: Lia what happened.

Lia (crying) : He already has a gf .I saw them kissing.

Yn: Lia , he was not good for you.Now go wash your face.

Lia: No I want to go back to our dorm.Please tell Miss that I was not feeling well.

I nodded and went to my first class .I went and found myself a seat and sat down.After two minutes the teacher came and behind her came a student.

Teacher: Everyone , this is Cha eun woo. He has joined our class . I hope you all get along with each other.

He bowed to everyone .

Teacher: You can find a seat for you .

He came up to me and sat next to me.

Eun Woo: Hi , I am Cha Eun Woo.

Yn: Hi I am Kang Yn.

Eun woo: Can we be friends?

Yn: Yes sure.

After two hours, the class finished and me and Eun Woo went to the canteen to have some food. We had free time so we both went to the library to do some work.It's time to go home.I waved goodbye to Eun Woo.I went back to my dorm and changed my clothes.My dad send money every months so that I can pay for my fees .I wore a cap and took my bank card and my uni ID.I walked down the dark street. I took some money out of the cash money and began to walk back to my dorm.I felt someone following me.I turned around and I saw a young , tall boy wearing all black.He had a mask on his face so I couldn't recognize who it was.I turn around and began to walk quick.The person kept following me.I began run as fast as I could.I accidentally dropped my ID .I couldn't go back to get my ID.I reached my dorm and quickly changed into my pj and went to bed.

End of yn pov:

Author pov:

The person following found yn's Id and took it with them.He walked into a dark narrow street.Further down the street , a man with a briefcase was standing in the street.He got closer to the man and took yn's ID out.

??: Here this is her ID.

Man: Thank you .Eun Woo

Eun Woo was the one following yn.He was sent in the uni to spy on yn and in return .Leo took the ID from Eun Woo.

Eun Woo: Where is my money.And why did you make me spy on yn.

Leo: You don't need to know about that .About your money then I'll give it to you later .From now you go home.

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