Hurts when he is injured

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yn pov :

I woke up and went to the bathroom.I did  my morning routine at always .After I changed, i went downstairs to eat breakfast.Everyone was seating on their chair.I sat down next to taehyung but didn't loo at him.I still can't forget yesterday incident.Everyone ate their breakfast quietly.After i finished I went back to the bedroom and took out a black dress .Today is my mother's five death anniversary.

After i changed I came out of the bathroom and saw taehyung

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After i changed I came out of the bathroom and saw taehyung .He came to me .

Taehyung: Yn I want to talk to you .

I just ignored him and walked pass him.

Taehyung: Yn , I know you are upset because of what happen yesterday night but I swear I didn't mean it .I don't know what happen to me.I had lost control over my body.I am sorry.

Yn: It's fine .By the way , I need to go to the graveyard for some reason so can I go.I will go with one of your bodyguard and I promised I will not run away.

Taehyung: Okay .But here you go.

He came to me and handed me a phone.I was shocked and happy at the same time.Now I can do some time pass on the phone when I am bored.I went over to him and hugged him.

Yn: Thank you so much.

I broke the hug and went down .One of taehyung's trusted bodyguard came with me to the graveyard.On the way I took flower so I could put next to my mom's grave.When I got to the  grave I put the flower next to her grave and bowed down to it .

Yn: Mom , It's been five years since you felt me.In this world there is no one who took care of me the way you took care of me.

After some time, I went back to the car and the body guard took me home. When I got home there was no one in the house.I went to my bedroom and got changed .I can downstairs and cooked myself some ramen.

I can downstairs and cooked myself some ramen

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I ate the noodles and cleaned after me.I went to the living room and sat on the sofa.I on the tv and watches some cartoons on it.

At night: 

It's been night and no one has come yet.Where might they all be gone.I went to the front door and opened the door.I saw three cars coming through the get.I quickly ran toward the car. Jin came out and quickly opened the passenger door and help taehyung out of the car. Taehyung was badly injuries. Seeing him hurt,made me hurt too.I don't know why but seeing taehyung hurt affected me too.I quickly went up to him.

Yn: Oppa what happen to him. 

Jin: Help me take him inside and then i'll tell you.

I help jin oppa take taehyung to our bedrrom .I quickly got the first aid .

Jin: Yn, i go and make soup for him.Can you dress his wound for while.

Taehyung:  W.. why are you crying.It's just a little injury.

Yn: You call this little injury.You are literally bleeding and you call it little injury.Now stay still so I can dress your wound.

I slowly opened his button of the shirt and took off his shirt. OMG .His abs.I stared at his abs.I couldn't help but blush a little.I took the antiseptic and slowly rubbed it on his wound.He hissed him pain.I looked at him .I slowly blew on his wound so that he doesn't feel pain.I dressed all of his wound and then got him some clothes.

Yn: Here change into this okay.

Taehyung: Help me change.I am injured.

I helped him put on the t-shirt .

yn: Now you can change the pants by your self okay.

I left the room and went downstairs. Jin oppa was making dinner for everyone.I took taehyung's soup and went back upstairs.I knocked on the door before going in.

Yn: Here drink this .

I put the bowl next to him.He tried to hold the spoon but failed.I took the bowl and sat next to him.I took little of the soup and brought it near to his lips.He just stared at me.

Yn: Just drink the soup .Don't stare at me.

He slowly drink the soup .After he finish the soup , I slowly put him to bed.I went to the bathroom and changed into my pj.I took the pillow and slept on the sofa.I don't want hi  to get more hurt.

Sorry for the short chapter.Don't forget to comment or vote. Saranghae.🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

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