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Two weeks later:

Yn Pov:

Now taehyung is fully recorded from his injuries and fit and fine.Only thing that bothers me that he even didn't thanks me for whta i did for him.I took care of him and even didn't care about me health.Also when ever i am near him I feeling something .My heart would beat fast and loudly.As if it wants to escape from my rib cage.I was in the living on my phone playing games.I had nothinng to do.The boys all went out with their other friend.I stayed home and just watched movies and played game.I was watching home alone when the door bell rang.i quickly went to open the door.I was jin oppa  , jhope  oppa ,sugaoppa  rm oppa and jimin .They came in.I peek out  of the door to see if taehyung was behind them but there so on sgin of him.Jungkook wasn't with them as well.I quickly went in and saw them all go upstairs.

Yn: Jimin, where is jungkook and taehyung.

Jimin: i don't know .They said that had some work so they might come late.

Yn: Okay but did they say when they will be back.

Jimin: No

yn: Okay.

Jimin left and i went and sat on the sofa.

Time skip:

It's midnight and jungkook nor taehyung have come back home.I am scared .What if something happen to them.Suddenly I heard the door open.I quickly ran to see jungkook carrying taehyung.

Yn: What happen to him.

jungkook; Hyung drank .I told him to stop but he didn't .

Yn: Let's get him to the bedroom.

Me and jungkook to him to the bedroom.After jungkook left and it was only me and drank taehyung.I slowly went up to him and tapped his check gently.

Yn: Taehyung, wake up and go get yourself changed.

 He didn't respones.I askekd him asgain but he didn't move.Looks like I have to change his clothes.I went to his closet and took his pj top.I remove his blazar and sheo.I removed his shirt when he open his eye and looked at me.

Taehyung: What are you doing.

Yn: Taehyung, I was just changing your top because you didn't respond to me.

Taehyung: You are taking advantage of me being drunk .

I was shocked by his statemnt.

Yn: Taehyung it's not like that .

Taehyung: So now you will tell me what is wrong and right.Wait and watch.

SMUT ahead.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me  toward him.He flip us both over before hovering above me.

Yn: W..what what are yo.....

Before i could even finish , he smashed his lips on mine.I tried to push him but he grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head. I tried to get rid of his grip but he was too strong for me.He pulled away and began to kiss my neck.Tears rolled down my eye.

Yn: Taehyung please leave me.

He didn't listen and contiued leave purple marks all round my neck.He pulled away from my neck and rip my t shirt.

yn: Taehyung please don't do this to me.Leave me. 

I cried but taehyung didn't listen to me.I cried and cried .

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