At his mansion

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Yn Pov:

Why did I agree to marry him?Tears just rolled down my cheeks one by one. Taehyung didn't let go of my hand.He took me out of the church and made me sit in his car.I didn't say nor looked at him.I just looked outside of the window.My eyes felt very heavy and slowly I felt asleep.

Taehyung Pov:

I was driving and I glanced at yn. She was sleeping.Her head resetting on the window.She is pretty and innocent.She made a cute cute.Wait What am I thinking.She is my enemy's daughter.I focused on the road.The sky got dark.Looks like it's going to rain.I continued driving.After some time, I stop the car.I looked at yn but she was still sleeping .What do I do now.I came out of the car and walked over to the other side.I open the door. Yn almost fell out of the car.However I caught her.I slowly picked her up in the bridal style.I carried her into my mansion and took her to me bedroom.I slowly put her on the bed and went to change my clothes.

Back to yn pov:

I slowly open my eyes and looked around .I was in a room with dark colored walls.I heard water coming from the bathroom.I slowly step out of bed and walked towards the bathroom door.I I heard the door unlock.I quickly went back and got the flower vase that was on the table next to the bed.I turned around and bumped into someone.I was about to fall when a strong arm wrapped around my waist.It was taehyung. He pulled me closer to him in result my hand landed on his shoulder.Our face was so close to each other.We both stared into each other's eye.Water was dripping down from his hair to the neck and down to his bare chest.I was shocked by his abs.

Taehyung: Like what you see?

I suddenly realized that I was staring at his abs for too long.I quickly let go of him .I walked towards the window when I heard barking. I looked down and saw a dog.I quickly turned around and ran behind taehyung.

Yn: There's a dog.Take it out.I am scared.

Taehyung: What do you mean take it out? That's my child. Yeontan.

He walked toward the dog and picked it up.It started licking his face.

Taehyung: Did you miss me.I miss you .

The dog barked again.I walked toward him slowly.The dog saw me and barked loudly.

Taehyung: Don't yeontan. Bad boy.She is your mommy.You don't bark at her.

Taehyung took him out of the room and closed the door behind him.I walked towards the balcony and looked at the sky.

Yn: Mum why is this happening.Mum you left me in the world where I am the weakness of dad.I really need you mum.I miss you alot.

Tears left from my eyes.Since mum has left me , so much has happened to me.

End of yn pov:

Taehyug Pov:

I took yeontan down to the dinning and fed him food.After he finished , I put him to bed.I went back to my bedroom .I open the door and look around and saw yn standing at the balcony.I slowly and quietly walked behind her.She was talking to herself.Soon she began to cry.I really bad for her.It's not her fault .I kidnap her and got her married to me because she is getting punished for what her father did to my family. I want the bastard choi to suffer after knowing what is going to happen to his daughter . I want him to regret what he did to my sister.I walked back to the bed and sat on the bed.

Taehyung: Don't you want to sleep?

She turned around and walked towards the bed and laid down on the bed.She backed faced me and didn't turn around.I hate when someone show attitude to me.I turned her around and hovered over her.she was shocked by my action .

Yn: W...what are you doing.Get off me.

She tried to push me but I grabbed her hands and pinned it above her head.She stuggled to get out of my  grid but made my grip stronger.

Taehyung: Looks like you forgot what I told you .

I stared into her eyes and then at her lips. What is going on What is wrong with me. Her eyes were fill with tears.

Yn: T...taehyung you are hurting me.Please leave me.I promise.I'll not ignore you or disobey you .Please let me go.

Seeing tears in her eyes made me pity .I got off her and walked out of the room.I went to the living room and slept on the sofa.

Yn Pov:

He got off me and left the room.I sat up on the bed and began to cry.He tried to ...Tears fell down my  cheek.I crawled into a ball and cried.I didn't  release when I fell asleep.

End of yn pov:

Sorry for the long chapter.Don't forget to comment and vote.

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