Truth revealed and shot

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I was tied to the chair.Taehyung , Jimin and jungkook stood in their place.Taehyung just stared at me.

Taehyung: What do you want choi?I'll give it to you but you have to leave her.She has nothing to do with anything.

Dad: She does.And I am shocked.The world powerful and dangerous mafia is giving up just for this stupid girl.Nice.

He started clapping his hand .

Dad:First all of you put your guns down and get on your knees.

I was shocked by what he was making them do.Taehyung can't do this.He can't go on his knees for me.

Yn: Taehyung, don't do it.

He didn't look at me .They all put their guns down and got on their knees.

Dad: Amazing. Boys tied them up as well.

His bodyguard got three chairs and tied all of them to the chairs.

Dad:So where should we begin.Should I kill her first or ask for the thing I want.Let me choose.I guess I can kill her first because she had too much of a headache and now she is not needed.

Taehyung: You can't do that.You can't kill her.She is your daughter.

Dad: wow.I think I need to clear the misunderstanding here.She is not my biological daughter.

I felt as if the world and time stop.I am not his daughter.

Yn: W.....what do you mean.You are my father.

Dad: No .It's not true.I am Choi Hyun-woo.I used to work for your father Jeon Ji-ho .He is your biological father.Your mother  name is Jeon Ha -rin .Your father was the world powerful mafia and I worked for him.Soon you father became friend with Kim Min -jun and his wife Kim Yu -ri .Your father partnership with that Kim and in few month your father gave the powerful title to him.I was angry because I worked with your father for 9 years and he promised me that if something happen then he will gave the position to me.But he gave it to that kim.So I simply killed your father and made your mother marry me so that I could get the title.But only problem was that your mother would never stay at the mansion and always go to the kim's mansion and found out that I was the one who kill your father.I didn't have the option but to kill his father because if I killed him then I would get the title and then there would be no problem.WhenI killed his father, I found that your mother was pregnant with a baby boy.I thought that the boy belong to me but after he was born I did the DNA test and it showed that the boy's father was Jeon Ji-ho.Your mother named him Jeon Jungkook .She put him in a orphan far way from Seoul so that I couldn't get to him.I really didn't care about him because he was nothing for me.Remember when I told you that your mother died in a car accident it was all planned by me.You mother had planned with Kim Yu -ri to expose me so I told one of my man to drive the trunk over her car when she she pass by the traffic light.After your mother's death, I start to fall for Kim Yu -ri .I would go to her mansion everyday and give her gift and flower but that bitch would alway kick me out from there.One day I went to her mansion and asked her to marry me .But she declined my proposal .I tried her asking so many time but she never changed her answer.I took my gun out and shot her.I never knew that she had a daughter and when she came out of the room she called her brother to came back to korea.I killed her too.After I left from there and went out of korea for some time.When I came back , I got the news that taehyung was back and he was searching for me.I would never go in front of hi .I tried to kill him but that old lady came in the way and she got killed.Since then I send you to the uni you wanted and made you change you name so that no one could find you . And then you know what happen.Now I can kill you and him so that I can get what I was promised.

I didn't know what was happening .Only thing that I knew was that he lied to me and never told me the truth.I had a brother and I never knew about it .I looked at the other and all of them had tears in their eyes.


Choi: Don't shout or else I won't hesitate to shoot you.

Yn: Then do it.I already had enough.I would go to my parents.

Choi: So you want to die. Then fine.Get ready.

He raised his gun at me.

Taehyung: Don't you dare.If you hurt her , then I will kill you.

Choi: What is she to you?

Taehyung didn't say anything.

Yn: I am his wife.The only one left in his family.

He looked at me and we both made eye contact.For a few minutes I forgot everything.I felt as if I was falling in heaven.

Choi: Nice.Then He will have to say bye to her. Because you will die.Now get ready to die.

He raised his gun on my head.I closed y eyes .

End of yn Pov:

Taehyung Pov:

He was about to shot her when I quickly cut the rope and stopped him from shooting her.I punched him in the face and he fell down. Suddenly I heard a gun shot.I looked round and saw my hyungs. They open jimin and jungkook . I untied yn and looked at her. Jungkook came running to yn. He hugged yn and yn hugged him back.

Jungkook: Noona.You were with me for the whole time.I was searching for you 

yn: I never knew I  had a brother . Now don't worry we have each other.Now you are safe with me.

They broke the hug and she looked at me.She was walking toward me.She was about to fall when I held her.She looked at me before hugging me. 

Taehyung: You are save now.

We both broke the hug and looked at each other.Everyone else came toward us.

Rm: Everyone is safe and sound.No one is hurt or injuried.

End of Taehyung Pov;

Yn pov:

I stood next to taeahyung .we all were laughing when I saw choi witht he gun.He was pointing it at taehyung.He fired the gun .I quickly ran and pushed taehyung aside.The bullet hit my chest .I fell to the floor.I heard another gun shot and saw my fake father on the floor. Taehyung quickly caame  to me .

Taehyung: Why did you do that?

Yn: It was my duty to protect you.T.....Taehyung I ..... am s........sorry for what he did to you and your family.I hope you forgive everything.And I....... Forgive you for what that night.

I slowly closed my eyes.

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