Meeting his friends

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Yn pov:

I felt something around my waist.I slowly opened my eyes.The first thing I saw was taehyung 's face.His face so close to mine.i never knew that as handsome he looked from a distance he is more handsome in close.He is a mafia but he looks like angel .How can he be this eternal ?

I didn't realize that I was staring at him until he spoke.

Taehyung: Done starring.

I quickly blinked and looked at him in the eyes.We both looked each other in the eyes.I don't know what I was feeling at this point.

Yn: Taehyung can you let go of my waist so that I can go and do my morning routine?

Taehyung took his arm around my waist and I got out of the bed and realized that I wasn't wearing the hoodie.I suddenly grabbed the hoodie and covered myself.I turned and so taehyung faced the other way.

Taehyung : Did you wear your hoodie?

I was shocked.

Yn: H...How did you know?

Taehyung : Just .Are you done then go to the bathroom.

I quickly wore the hoodie and was about to close the bathroom door when Taehyung stopped it by putting his foot.

Yn: What is it ?

He took my hand and took me into his closet.

Taehyung: These are your new clothes .Now you can wear what you want.

I notice a plaster on his neck.I slowly reached out to touch it .Thats where I bit him yesterday.

Yn: Doesn't It hurt.I didn't mean to be too harsh.

Taehyung: It's fine .

With that he left .I picked my clothes and went to the bathroom.I changed and went downstairs.I saw taehyung was already dressed.We both ate our breakfast and I took my medicine.

Taehyung: I have a mission to go to.I will come late so don't stay up later ,eat your dinner and take your medicine.

Yn: What do I do for the whole day .I have nothing to do.

Taehyung: You can play with yeotan.Ask mia to show you his room.There is a library as well .Do what you want but you can't escape from here or you will face the punishment.

He took his car keys and left the mansion.I sat on the couch and wondered what to do.Mia was cleaning the room.

Yn: Mia can you show me Yeontan's room please?

She took me to yeotan room and left.Yeontan was eating his food.I walked to him and sat down next to him.He jumped into my lap and began to lick my face.I giggled and played with him.The day went fast.I went downstairs and saw Mia cooking dinner.I went to the dining table and she gave me my dinner.I ate my dinner and then helped her clean.After , I went in the living and sat down.I open the tv and began to watch Bring it on ghost.While I was watching the drama , the power went off.I heard some noise coming from the front the door.Who could it be.Taehyung said that he will come late.Who could it be.Could it be ghost.I slowly got up.I slowly walked in the dark toward the front the door.I was a tall figure coming towards me.I didn't move and stood in my place.The figure came closer and closer.What do I do.Suddenly I screamed loudly and bend and grabbed me knees

Yn: Ahhhhhhhhhh.

Suddenly the power came back and I began to cry.

Yn: Please leave me. I am innocent.Please don't kill me , ghost .

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