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Taehyung Pov:

She closed her eyes.Tears rolled down my eyes.I can't lose her as well.

Jimin:Taehyung quickly picks her up .We need to get her to the hospital.

I quickly picked her up and put her in the car.Jimin drive at a full speed to the hospital.When we got there ,jimin got the stretcher and I put her on it .Nurses came and took her to the operation theater.I fell to my knees and cried.I was all covered in her blood.This is all my fault.Jimin tried to comfort me .I simply hugged him.I don't know what I would do without her.The other came and came to us.

Jungkook: Where is noona?

Jimin:She is in there.

Jungkook sat on the bench and cried.I went to him and sat next to him.

Taehyung: Jungkook,look at me.

Tears fell down from his eyes.

Taehyung:She will be okay .She is strong.

Jungkook:Hyung.What if something happens to her.what if she leaves me like mum and dad.

Taehyung:She won't .

I hugged him and tried to stay strong.

Time skip

It's been one hour.The nurse came out of the theater and went back in but there is still no response to how yn is .Suddenly the doctor came out and took off his gloves.I ran to him.

Taehyung:How is she?

The doctor looked down.He didn't say anything.

Taehyung:Why aren't you speaking?

Doctor:Sorry.We tried our best to save her but she is no longer.

Everything stopped for me.Did she actually leave me.No he is lying.I suddenly grabbed his collar.


Doctor:I am sorry Mr Kim but we did everything.

Jimin and Suga tried to get my hand off the doctor.I let go of him .

Suga:We are sorry for his behaviour.Can we at least see her.

Doctor:We will move her to the vip room and then you can see her.

He left.It's all my fault.She died because of me.Today I failed in protecting her.She was moved into the vip room .I couldn't go in there.Jungkook and others went in the room first.After some time they all came out .I slowly stepped in the room.I saw her pale face and her lifeless body on the bed.There was still wires and cable attached to her body.I walked over to her.There was a stool next to the bed.I slowly hold her hand.Tear already fell down my cheeks.

Taehyung:yn, please don't leave me.I am sorry for everything.But please don't leave me.I need you.I realized over time that I am falling for you.I don't know what I will do without you. Everyone left me .Please don't do this.You are the only I have .

I just cried. My tears fell on her hand.

Yn: Don't cry.

I looked up. I saw her looking at me.Immediately I hugged her.

Taehyung:I thought I lost you. Don't ever think of leaving me or else you will face the consequence.

Yn:Okay I am sorry.Taehyung, can you let go of me? You're hurting me.

I didn't even realize that I was hugging her hard .I let go of her and helped her sit up on the bed.

Yn: Guys you can come in.

The other came in .They all were laughing .even yn. I was dumbfounded.Why are they laughing?I was totally confused .

Taehyung: Why are you laughing? What is going on?

I looked at them and they just laughed.

Yn: I will explain. So it went like this. The operation went well. The doctor saved me. They were able to remove the bullet from my chest.When they were changing my dress and I woke up.I told them to tell you that I was no longer.They moved me in the vip room and other came.I was sitting on the bed and told them the plan to scare you.And it worked.Guys you should have seen th way he cried.I was so funny.

They all laughed at me.I made an angry face.

Taehyung: guys it 's not  funny you know.Hyung, it's not fair .you all helped her with her stupid plan.

Jin:Okay.Okay.We are sorry .We just want to have some fun.Btw yn the doctor said that you can be discharged after two days.So who will stay here to take care of her.

Taehyung:i will stay.

Jin:Okay then .Yn bye we will see you tomorrow.

They left and it was only me and yn in the room.

Taehyung:So you had fun making fun of me.

Yn:Come on A little joke can't harm you ,can it.

He came close to me.My heart started to heat so fast.

Yn: T...taehyung what are you doing?

Why am I stuttering.He just moved closer to me.he slowly removed his hand close to my face.I stared into his eyes and he did the same.He slowly touched my face.

Taehyung:There was a lash on your cheek.What did you think I was doing?

He smirked at me.

Taehyung:Anyway, I'll go and eat your dinner for you.Okay.

He left the room.What're you doing to me ,Taehyung.I still believe that he said that he can't live without me.He fell for me as well.The door open and taehyung came with a tray of plate.He sat next to me and saw about to feed me when I stopped him.

Yn: Have you ate.

Taehyung: I'll eat after.

I took the spoon from him and offered the food to him.

Yn: I know everything.You didn't even eat your dinner nor your breakfast because of me so now eat.okay.We will eat together.

He ate the food.They both fed each other .After we finished the food he helped me lie down on the bed.I looked at him and then slowly fell asleep.

Sorry for the short chapter.Don't forget to comment and vote. Saranghae.🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

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