William James Moriarty p2

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(Y/n) sniffles softly as she sits in the back of the bakery, trying not to cry into her pastries.
"(N/n)?" Thomas whispers, walking over to the woman.
She jumps at the sudden sound of her friend and co-worker. "Thomas! Do you need something?"
"No one is here right now, except Louis of course. Are you crying again?"
(Y/n) wipes her face and sniffles again. "I'll be fine."
"You're not fine. William is holding you hostage isn't he? He never allows you to spend time with anyone."
"You don't understand Tommy. He will kill anyone who tries to get close to me. And I'm afraid if I do anything to upset him I will perish as well."

Thomas clenches his fists but quickly grabs her hands. "I will help you."
"I'll take you somewhere far away. Where he can't find us. I will make sure you're happy and cared for. Not a prisoner."
(Y/n) shakes her head quickly. "He'd find us."
"I'll make sure he doesn't. Will you do this?"
After a while (Y/n) nods.
Thomas hugs the woman tightly.
"Am I interrupting?" Louis inquires, walking in.
The two part and look at the blonde.

"No. Of course not my lord." Thomas bows and goes back to the front to check if any customer had arrived.
Louis walks over to the woman and frowns. "Are you ok?"
"Does it matter what I say? You will tell William one way or the other and he will be upset either way."
Louis looks away. "I suppose you're right. Anyways it's time to go home."
(Y/n) looks at the clock then frowns and nods.

The three close up shop and go their separate ways.
Louis helps (Y/n) into their carriage and they ride to the manor.
Thomas begins his task of scoping out the Moriarty manor and takes note of their schedule.
As the weeks go by he found the perfect opportunity to steal her away.
(Y/n) and Thomas go over the plan, telling Louis to watch the front while they discuss business.
William was shocked to know (Y/n) sold the bakery but saw it as an opportunity to see her more often.
Once everything is settled and (Y/n) got the money she gave it to Thomas to fund their out-of-country escape.

(Y/n) convinced Thomas to let her try faking her death but she agreed to do it his way if her plan failed.
William hesitates when (Y/n) asks to take a holiday with Thomas for a week.
"Darling please let me go. I can send a telegram every day detailing everything. Nothing will happen and it would make me so happy. When I return I am all yours." She holds his hands and kisses his cheek.
He gets weak when she uses her puppy dog eyes. "You promise it's only a week and you'll send a telegram every day?"
"Of course. I love you William. Now that I have time I wanna take this little break." She squeezes his hand and he frowns.
"Ok. As long as you swear nothing will happen."
"I promise. We're just going to Paris."

Thomas puts her suitcase in the carriage and looks back at the woman.
(Y/n) holds William's hand and smiles softly. "Thank you so much for this darling."
"Are you sure I can't go with? To keep you safe."
"No darling. This is a me trip." She laughs softly and kisses him.
William kisses back, holding her close.
Soon enough (Y/n) and Thomas ride off.
Except instead of going south to Paris the two go west to Ireland.

True to her word (Y/n) had a relative from Paris send William a telegram every day but only for four days.
(Y/n) sent a photo to her relative to send to William of her fake death.
Thomas was happy his friend was safe there in Ireland.
They were enjoying their time greatly.
Unfortunately it was short lived.

(Y/n) made sure to tell her relative to use different locations on the telegrams but William tracked them down when he stopped receiving messages.
"Have you seen (Y/n)? She was supposed to be here in Paris but I haven't seen her."
"I haven't seen her no. Paris is a large city son."
"The last thing I received was a picture of her murder."
"What? Oh god! I'm so sorry for your loss."
William clenches his fists. "I'll do whatever it takes to track down the one who killed her. I will get justice for her and you as well."
"Thank you son. I'm sure she's looking down on you from Heaven."
William frowns and bows, unfortunately returning to London without seeing any sign of her or any clues to her killer.

Albert walks up to William and the blonde looks at his brother.
"Brother, is something wrong?"
"I've just returned from the docks. Thomas and (Yn) didn't go to France; they went to Ireland."
William stands quickly but composed himself. "I see."
"Will what are you planning to do?"
"Bring her home of course." William responds calmly then leaves.

Thomas makes a funny face causing (Y/n) to laugh happily. "If you don't hurry up diner will never get done."
(Y/n) finishes mashing the potatoes and puts the pot on the stove. She adds butter and milk then turns on the heat.
Thomas hums quietly while flipping the chicken.
Once dinner is done they eat peacefully and enjoy the silence.
Six minutes.
Everything happens in six minutes.

William kicks the door in and walks in, looking for the two.
Thomas and (Y/n) are startled by the sudden noise. They rush to the living room to find the blonde, walking stick in hand and his signature black cloak over his head.
"William?!" (Y/n) exclaims.
"My love. I thought you were dead. Why did you lie to me?"
Thomas puts (Y/n) behind himself.
William clenches his teeth and instantly he unsheathes his blade, slicing the man's throat.

(Y/n) screams and holds her friend in her arms.
He chokes on his blood before dying.
Hot tears stream down her cheeks quickly and blur her vision.
"Now that he's gone you can come back home with me. Everything will be ok. You haven't said anything about who I am and we can put this little lie behind us."
(Y/n) clenches her fists around Thomas' shirt and slowly looks up at her captor.
William holds his hand out to her.
Instead she grabs his blade and runs it through herself.
"NO!" He yells and without thinking rips the blade out.
Unfortunately that only speeds up the process and she dies shortly after.
Tears stream down William's cheeks as he holds her in his arms.

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