Sherlock Holmes p3

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(Y/n) looks at the men around her, suddenly feeling trapped and unable to breathe.
If I don't work then they'll kill me. Did they kill my father to coerce me into helping them? Am I going to die if I decline? What if I ran away?
"Darling please calm down. We're so sorry for your loss." Albert walks over to the woman and puts his hand on her shoulder.
(Y/n)'s mind goes blank and her expression stoic. She slowly takes William's hand and stands.
"I'm glad you've made the right decision."
"Did you murder my father?" She whispers and looks into his eyes.
"No, we did not. His death is an unfortunate accident but very convenient for us."

The woman pulls her hand away. "What do you want from me?"
"In short, befriend Holmes and keep tabs."
"I won't kill anyone." (Y/n) immediately draws a line.
William frowns but nods. "We won't need you to."
"Shall I go about as normal and give you updates when something happens?"
"Yes. We can keep you in the background of our plans." Albert adds and checks his watch.
"I still think this is a shit plan. How can we know she won't go blabbing to Holmes?" Moran grumbles.
"We don't. But for right now I'll take you home." Albert responds and rubs her back.

(Y/n) wipes her face as fresh tears stream down her face.
"We will attend the funeral when preparations are made. If you should need anything don't be afraid to ask." William adds then his brother escorts the woman to their carriage.
(Y/n) gets in and clenches her dress.
"I'm sorry you've been dragged into this. Rest assured that you will be safe and cared for. Will was right, if you are in need of anything, don't hesitate to ask."
"I want my father back." She whispers and looks into his eyes.
Albert frowns and holds her hand.

Once they arrive at her manor Albert helps her out of the carriage but the woman is immediately tackled by her twin.
"(Y/n) he's dead!" Miri cries into her sister's neck.
"What happened?" (Y/n) asks pulling her sister to arm's length.
"He was having his whiskey with lords Harold and Wallenby. When I told him you would be taking over instead of me he got so angry and red in the face. Upon standing and flipping the table he collapsed, hand clenching his chest." Miri explains between sniffling and wiping her face.
Albert frowns as he listens.
"Is he still here or have they taken him away?"
"They only took him a few moments ago."

(Y/n) buries her face in her sister's neck.
Miri holds her close and rubs her back but looks at the brunette. "My lord."
"My deepest apologies. The loss of a father is difficult. If you should need anything, don't be afraid to reach out to me or my brothers. I'm sure we will see each other again soon."
"I will send a telegram for the service." Miri responds and looks back at her sister.
"(Y/n) have a nice night." Albert whispers before leaving.

The two go inside and begin preparations for a funeral and burial.
Miri looks at her sister. "Shall I send an invitation to Mr. Holmes?"
(Y/n) didn't want to answer but she nods slowly.
"I know you said it was a secret but why did you visit the Moriarty manor?"
Tears stream down (Y/n)'s cheeks and she clenches her fists.
Miri sighs and looks away. "Nevermind. I won't pry, not now at least."

Days later the church is filled with people, those who are mourning and those who were dragged there.
(Y/n) and Miri stand at the front next to the casket, greeting those walking past to view the dead.
The Moriarty group are standing at the back when (Y/n) notices them.
William frowns and bows his head slightly.
The group walks up and gives their respects to the twins.
"Thank you," Miri responds.
Albert kisses (Y/n)'s knuckles. "Our condolences," he whispers.
The group takes their seats near the back.

Sherlock walks up, wearing a proper suit and his hair is tied back nicely.
Miri manages a small smirk and curtsies. "Mr. Holmes."
(Y/n) cuts him off by burying her face in his chest, crying softly.
Sherlock tenses and pulls out a handkerchief. He gives it to her before she can get his suit dirty.
(Y/n) wipes her eyes and sniffles.
"I'm sorry about him." Sherlock mumbles and looks at the man in the casket. "He wasn't the best father I imagine."
(Y/n) looks away. "He knew I wanted the company and still planned to give it to Miri. Now since the company was left in her name we have to go through all the paperwork and change things."

The detective sighs but nods in understanding. "I guess if you need help with anything you can ask me."
"Aren't you drowning in cases?" (Y/n) asks quietly.
"All mundane I can assure you. I would much rather enjoy your company."
(Y/n) smiles softly and nods. "I would appreciate the help. Although I'm sure I'll be drowning in paperwork more often than not."
"Then I'll be sure to drag you out for a pint once in a while to get away."
(Y/n) laughs softly and nods. "A pint would be greatly appreciated."

As the service goes on (Y/n) manages to keep a level head.
Her tear ducts were practically dry.
Miri on the other hand began to sob and cry into her twin.
Once the burial is finished and everyone else leaves Miri and (Y/n) remain.
"Are you ok?" The (h/c) asks softly.
"I will be. James promised to take me out tonight. Will you be okay by yourself? I plan to fill out the paperwork for the company tomorrow."
"Miri I will be ok, don't worry. Your fiancée deserves some time with you. I'll just sit at home and..."

Miri frowns and looks at her sister. "What's wrong?"
"You're going to marry James next month and live with him. And now that father is gone...I'll be alone in the manor."
"Oh (n/n)." The woman hugs her sister tightly.
"You need to go tie down Mr. Sherlock Holmes right now my dear sister. I want to see you taken care of and loved."
"Miri! I already told you, it's not like that."
"Ah yes, crying into his chest and laughing at his proposal for drinks. Then what about one of the Moriarty brothers?"
(Y/n) opens her mouth but tenses. "I think they see me as a potential business partner, not a potential marriage partner."

James walks over and wraps his arm around his fiancée's waist. He leans down and kisses Miri's temple.
"Thank you for taking care of my sister James."
"(N/n) I'm sorry about everything that's happened. You are welcome to come live with us at my manor."
The woman smiles softly. "Thank you for the offer but I think it would be best if I sold everything, put the fortune away and started renting a flat. Obviously if it's just me I don't need a huge, extravagant manor."
"James tell her she needs to marry someone." Miri whines softly, looking into her lover's eyes.
The said man laughs softly. "Darling your sister is a strong, independent woman. She doesn't really need a man. Especially if she's gonna take over the company, she won't have time for courting."
"Thank you James. This is why you're my favorite."
"Excuse me?" Miri exclaims and crosses her arms.

Later that evening (Y/n) knocks on 221B.
Soon enough Mrs. Hudson opens the door and frowns.
"My dear I'm so sorry for your loss."
"Thank you." (Y/n) whispers and rubs her arms.
"Please come in. I'll make us some tea." Mrs. Hudson immediately ushers the woman in and closes the door.
"Thank you," she repeats.
The landlady leads the woman into the parlor and sets her in a chair. "I'll be back in a few moments. Make yourself comfortable."

(Y/n) looks around the room and smiles softly.
Seeing all of Sherlock's items around the room makes her wonder what it would be like to live there.
"Sherlock  is off doing who knows what so it's only you and me." The woman comments, walking back in with a tray.
"Well it is you I wish to speak with."
"Yes. I hope to rent one of your rooms."

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