Sherlock Holmes p5

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"Anyways my dear Lock I should think it wise to find a flatmate before our widowed landlady kicks you out. You know she will."
The detective sighs and grabs an apple. "Fine. I will go out. Are you sure you can manage moving on your own?"
"If I should need any help it won't be from you. I have other friends to help."
Obviously that's not what he wanted to hear but he holds up his hands.
"Fine, fine. Enjoy your day then."
"You as well." (Y/n) picks up both her and Sherlock's box, carrying them up the stairs
Sherlock's eyes widen in shock, seeing the woman carry so much.

(Y/n) opens her bedroom window and giggles softly. "Freddy are you gonna follow me all day?"
The boy stays silent on the roof.
"Well if you're gonna follow me you might as well help me. I have one more load of items from my manor that need to come over. Will you help me?"
A shuffling makes her confused but she goes downstairs and to her carriage.
A familiar boy is sitting in the driver's seat.
The woman smiles and gets in the back.

Once they get to her manor the staff is waiting outside for her.
"My lady, should you ever need anything do not hesitate to reach out." The head butler holds her arms and kisses her forehead.
"Thank you all so much. I'm so grateful for all of you. Please go on and live happy lives. I love you all so much." (Y/n) hugs them all while they load her last items.
"Miss please take this. It's a gift from all of us." The lead maid hands the girl a potted flower, her favorite.
"Thank you so much. I love it."

Fred takes her back to 221B and helps her unload her stuff. "That flower is a snowdrop. They symbolize new beginnings, hope, rebirth and the ability to overcome challenges."
(Y/n) smiles and looks at the flower, putting it on her windowsill. "Yes. They seem fitting do they not?"
"Indeed. Do you enjoy flowers?"
"I do. I love flowers and plants. Do you?"
Fred blushes softly and looks away. "I do. I take care of the greenhouse at the Moriarty estate."
"I should love to see it. Would you give me a tour?"
"Of course my lady."
The woman looks around her room. "Unpacking can wait. Can we go now?"
"As you wish."

Over the next hour Fred opens up to (Y/n) while they admire the foliage.
When the two exit the greenhouse Moran walks over and crosses his arms.
"What's this Fred?"
"The lady wished to see the greenhouse." The boy responds bluntly.
"She shouldn't be here when William and Albert are away. We're trying to keep our relationship on the down low."
(Y/n) frowns and looks away. "I will only be called upon when needed. That was the deal wasn't it." She mumbles to herself. "I apologize Mr. Moran."
Just as she curtsies another voice comes from the manor.
"Moran, Fred what are you two doing?"

The three look at the blonde.
"The (L/n) girl is here." Moran calls back.
Louis frowns and walks over to the three. "My lady what are you doing here?"
"I asked to see the greenhouse. I didn't realize it would be such a big deal. I apologize." (Y/n) curtsies again.
Louis smiles softly. "It's not a big deal. You are part of the Moriarty plan; brother brought you in himself. Did you enjoy yourself?"
The woman smiles sweetly. "Very much. Freddy is very talented."
"You let her call you Freddy?" Moran exclaims, looking at the boy. "You wouldn't even let me do that, and I'm your older brother?"
"You are? That's so sweet." (Y/n) comments, looking between the two.
"He's not actually my brother." Fred quickly clears up.
"Oh, I understand."

The four go inside for tea and Louis opens up to the woman.
Moran is the only one with a stick up his-
"Why are you two so casual about this? She's not supposed to be here? We should have kill her lo-"
"Are you questioning brother's judgment?" Louis asks in a menacing tone.
His dark aura radiating.
Moran sighs and rolls his eyes, crossing his arms and legs in his chair. "Whatever." He grumbles quietly.
Louis and Fred couldn't believe how easy it was for them to trust her.
Her calming, sweet demeanor puts them both at ease.

As the day passes, time escapes the four.
Moran even calmed down enough to have a decent conversation with her, now understanding why Sherlock was interested.
(Y/n) looks at the clock and frowns. "Oh my! I must be on my way. Poor Mrs. Hudson will be worried about me."
"I can take you home." Louis offers quickly.
"What about dinner?" Moran mumbles and stands up.
"Bullocks." Louis whispers under his breath.
"I can do it." Fred offers quietly. "I did bring you here."
(Y/n) smiles softly. "I would hate for you to miss out on dinner because of me."
"I will gladly drive you home my lady. I can then pick up William from the station."

When their carriage arrives at 221B (Y/n) gets out and immediately she is tackled by her landlady.
"Thank goodness! I was so worried when you left and didn't come back. I nearly had Sherlock go look for you."
"Don't worry madam I am perfectly safe. Am I too late to help prepare dinner?"
"I've just finished actually. Sherlock is inside eating as we speak." She turns to Fred and smiles. "Thank you so much for bringing her home."
The boy remains silent, tipping his head slightly.
"Goodnight." (Y/n) whispers to the boy then walks inside with her landlady.

Sherlock looks up from his plate and smiles. "Where did you scamper off to?"
"As I said before my dear Lock, I do have friends. They let me see their greenhouse then we had a leisurely chat. I had no intention of staying so late though."
"I did take notice of your new snowdrop. Out of season but still fitting all the same."
The (h/c) smiles and nods. "Yes, my servants gave it to me as a departure gift."
"How thoughtful, and no maintenance is required."

"Do sit my dear. I'll prepare you a plate."
"Oh no! I can do it myself. Please rest yourself. You probably slaved away for this meal. I will happily make dinner tomorrow."
"That would be lovely. I'm excited to try it."
"Pray tell what you have in mind." Sherlock pipes up and laces his fingers together while putting his elbows on the table.
"It's a surprise. Shall I be putting a plate out for four tomorrow Sherlock?" (Y/n) responds then crosses her arms.
The man opens his mouth and sighs. "If he works out. He'll be stopping by tomorrow and Mrs. Hudson has final say."

"If he's anything like the people you brought today I will immediately throw you out Sherlock." The woman scolds and grips the detective by his ear.
The said man groans and rubs his ear. "He's a friend of Stanford; he won't be like the others," Sherlock assures.
(Y/n) smiles softly. "Well I am excited to meet him."
"Enough chit chat. Let's eat." Mrs. Hudson sits down with her own plate and everyone enjoys their meal.

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