Romeo Holmes and Juliet Moriarty p6

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When Moran and Fred return to the manor William takes everyone to the cellar to discuss their next steps.
Thankfully Romeo is asleep in Juliet's room.
"Will what is that Holmes kid doin' here?" Moran inquires, crossing his arms.
"For the next week he will be staying here in place of Juliet. The children decided to switch lives for the next several days."
"Excuse me?" Obviously Moran didn't like that.
"I have agreed to the idea and I have decided what our next course of action shall be."
"Will we be working in secret?" Fred asks quietly.

"No. We will put off for the time being. For the duration of his stay we will be like any other noble family. Moran and Fred you will act as a butler and groundskeeper."
"No missions? Isn't that-"
"Are you really so keen to kill Moran?" Albert inquires, sipping his wine.
"As much as I detest the idea if brother thinks that's what we should do I will do my best." Louis adds and looks at the other blonde.
William smiles softly.

"What about the ball?" Fred pipes up.
"Romeo will join us. He has assured us that he knows how to act properly."
"Despite his parentage?" Moran grumbles, looking at William.
"If you say so Will. I'll go brush off my suit I guess." Moran mumbles and stands up.
"That also means you must listen to the commands Louis gives you." Albert teases and smirks.
Moran tenses and slowly looks at the glasses boy.
The said blonde is already glaring at the raven haired man. "Do as I say when I say. And mister Moran that includes chores."
The ex-colonel laughs nervous and rubs the back of his neck. "Yeah, totally. Will do Louis."

So begins their relaxing week.
In the morning Romeo wakes and goes down for breakfast.
Louis is just finishing setting the table when one by one everyone comes down.
William ties his robe closed while sitting in his chair.
Albert pats Romeo's shoulder before sitting next to him.
Moran and Fred sit across from the two.
Finally Louis joins them, sitting on the other end of the table, across from his brother.

"You let your staff eat with you?" Romeo asks, causing Moran and Fred to tense.
They had momentarily forgotten their place.
"Of course." William assures, smiling softly. "While most nobles treat their staff poorly we here are more like family. We've known each other for so long."
"That sounds like us. Mrs. Hudson is the landlady but she's like an aunt and Mr. Watson is like an uncle."
"That sounds nice. I hope you feel comfortable here with us." Albert picks up his glass and drinks the juice.

While they eat everyone takes notice of his manners and etiquette.
This gave them a bit more confidence that he would be ok at the ball.
After, William leaves for university and Louis begins Romeo's lesson, making Moran clean the table.
Fred leaves his friend to fend for himself to go outside.
Moran grumbles quietly, already knowing he was not gonna have a fun week.

Romeo and Louis both feel nervous around each other, but once he realizes Romeo is not his father, Louis relaxes.
The boy is surprised how easily he learned when Louis is teaching.
More so than William.
Louis is thankful Romeo didn't inherit his father's fidgety disposition or short attention span.
While Sherlock doesn't like to sit still for very long, especially when on a case, Romeo is great at staying and paying attention.

When William finally returns he is holding a box.
"What's that brother?" Louis asks, looking from the item to his brother's eyes.
"A suit for Romeo. Seeing as how we no longer have ours I had to go buy a new one."
"I see. He is outside with Fred right now. Shall I call him in?"
"Indeed. While I guessed on his size it would be best to have him try it on. In case there needs to be alterations before tomorrow."
Romeo tries the suit on and surprisingly it fits.
"How did you know my measurements?" Romeo asks, looking at William through the mirror.
"I didn't. I actually guessed."
"Was it because you're so good at math?" Romeo asks quickly.
The blonde laughs softly. "Sure."

Come time for the ball Romeo's leg bounces in the carriage.
William smiles softly. "Nervous?"
"Uh...yeah. I've never actually been to one before."
"Don't worry. You don't have to speak if you don't want to. Just stay with one of us and you'll be fine."
"Don't worry. Louis rarely goes out either." Albert whispers and chuckles quietly.
"I usually watch over the manor. Although with the other two there I can join you tonight." Louis explains and Romeo nods in understanding.

When the four arrive Romeo stays close behind William.
The blonde laughs softly and rubs his back.
Albert goes off to get his wine and speak to other lords from The House.
Louis stays with William and Romeo, looking around quietly.
The professor walks over to the refreshments table and asks for water.
The butler looks at the boy and nods.
Romeo takes his water and thanks the man.
The blonde brothers refrain from drinking.

Unfortunately it didn't take long for the women to begin their doting.
"Why Lord Moriarty you came. I was nervous you wouldn't make it." One woman begins.
"Oh yes. I made it a point to come when I heard you and your brothers would be here." Another joins in.
"Um my lord, who is this boy with you?"
"Isn't he the cutest?"
Romeo blushes when he becomes the center of attention.

"His name is Romeo. This is his first ball so please go easy on him ladies." William answers and puts his hand on the boy's shoulder.
"He is a bashful one." Albert adds, walking past.
The women giggle and continue their fussing and fawning.
William was thankful the women ignored Louis but now felt a bit guilty about Romeo.
Thankfully the boy soon gets comfortable and begins using his charm to make the ladies swoon.
His charisma and natural ability to blend in come in handy.
William couldn't help chuckling quietly. "What have I done? A ladies man on par with Sebastian."

Louis nudges William gently. "Is it wise for us to let him act like this? I thought he would be refined and more introverted."
"Let him have this night Lou. Everything is going just fine. Before we know it, it will be time to leave."
"If you insist brother. I shall go check in on the manor."
"Yes, do keep the telegram short though."
"As you wish."

As the night comes to a close the four manage to get back into the carriage but William and Romeo fall asleep shortly after the carriage begins moving.
Albert smiles softly seeing the two lean against each other in their sleep. "I think tonight was fun. Don't you Louis?"
"I was hesitant at first but I think everything turned out ok. I think brother had a nice time as well." Louis responds then looks out the carriage window.
When they get back to the manor Louis carries Romeo inside and to bed.
He changes the boy into pajamas then puts him under the covers.
Albert gets out of the carriage and instructs Moran to grab William.

Moran takes William inside and lays him in his bed, taking off his shoes and jacket.
Louis offers to take over and Moran nods, wordlessly, then leaves the room. The blonde does the same for his brother as he did the child.
William remains sleeping peacefully and Louis smiles softly.
After closing the bedroom door Louis gets himself ready for bed.

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