Sherliam Meeting + (Y/n)

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"Sherly, tell me why you want me to go."
"No reason specifically."
"You cannot lie to me my dear Sherlock."
The detective sighs and rubs the back of his neck, unable to make eye contact. "Because I don't want to go alone. Plus I know you want to see the ballet with me."
The woman smiles softly and puts her hand on his arm. "I will gladly join you. It should prove to be most entertaining."
"I'm glad you think so."

(Y/n) looks around the ship as her and Sherlock walk around. "It's a lovely ship." She comments then looks up at the man.
He looks around and nods slowly. "Indeed."
The woman grabs a glass of champagne for each of them, handing him his.
"Thank you." He mumbles and takes a sip.
"I'm not surprised how many nobles are here but I'm glad to see how many commoners are as well. We can all enjoy the ballet together."
"Together, yes. I heard a rather loud, unpleasant gent ranting about how the lower class is scum and livestock. I do hope we don't run into him again." Sherlock grumbles and looks around.

"Sherlock I-"
"Are you THE Sherlock Holmes?" A random noblewoman inquires, standing close with two friends.
"I am indeed. Can I help you?"
"I've heard you have extraordinary power of deduction. Is that true?"
(Y/n) feels his grip on her arm tighten but he unlinks their arms and puts his hand on her back.
The woman blushes when his face gets closer to hers.
"See that man over there?"
Her and her friends look at the man Sherlock gestures to with his finger.
"He is the owner of a fishing-"
"Wait you know his occupation just by looking at him?" One of the friends cuts him off.

"Go ask him yourself." (Y/n) suggests and smirks.
The skeptical woman walks over to the man.
They exchange a few words before her eyes widen and she looks back at Sherlock.
The said man smirks and winks at (Y/n).
"You must do that again. What about him?" The lead woman points at another random passenger.
"He's an ex-marine who is excited for the ballet."
This goes on for some time.

(Y/n) follows Sherlock and the women as they force him to guess random people's occupation.
As they stand near a grand spiral staircase she can't help admiring it.
Slowly her eyes move and land on a blonde man with red eyes.
His beauty makes her heart race.
His eyes move from the tiles to the stairs, but he takes a step back.
"He's a mathematician."
(Y/n) hears Sherlock say. She sees her childhood friend looking at the blonde.

The stranger looks over at the group and listens to Sherlock explain himself.
(Y/n) smiles softly as she sees the lord smile.
To everyone's surprise he throws Sherlock's tactic back at him.
Sherlock's eyes widen but he smirks.
(Y/n)'s heart races as she listens to the man speak.
"How did you ever guess?"
"I didn't. Everything I said was a fact."
As Sherlock's heart pounds and he laughs (Y/n) takes a step forward.
"We must keep going until you get one wrong." The women pull him along.

The professor looks at (Y/n).
She curtsies and takes a step closer to him. "Thank you." She whispers then hurries after Sherlock so she didn't lose him.
When the women finally leave him alone he and (Yn) go to their room.
"It seems you had fun." (Y/n) comments while taking off her stockings.
"It was indeed."
"And the professor gave us quite a shock."
"I can't wait to speak with him again."
"I should like to see him as well." She mumbles and grabs her nightgown.

Sherlock lays on his bed, arm over his eyes and he can't help replaying his interacting with the blonde.
(Y/n) changes into her nightgown, also thinking about the man.
Once she finishes she sits on her bed.
"I do hope the performance goes well."
"I'm sure it will." Sherlock mumbles and looks over at the woman.
She looks back and smiles.
"You should get some sleep." He whispers and takes off his shirt.
"You too Sherly. Your big brain needs all the sleep it can get."
Her laugh makes him smile.
"Good night." He whispers and lays on his side.
"Sweet dreams Sherly." She whispers, laying down and falls asleep shortly.

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