Romeo Holmes and Juliet Moriarty p7

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The next morning Juliet wakes up and stretches while yawning.
"Good morning my lady. Did you sleep well?" Mrs. Hudson asks softly while opening the drapes.
"I did. Is Mr. Holmes here?"
"I'm afraid he and John left a few minutes ago on a job."
"Oh I see."
"If you would like, you could join me in running errands. Romeo is always a gentleman and helps carry the bags."
"That sounds fun. I should love to dress as a page boy and help you. Surely I could borrow Romeo's clothes."
The landlady laughs softly and nods. "I'll grab his cap so we can hide your hair."

Once they finish Juliet looks in the mirror and gives a thumbs up.
"Let's be off then."
The two go into town and do a bit of shopping.
Although after a few shops they bump into a familiar couple.
"Juliet is that you?" Louis inquires, looking the girl up and down. "What on Earth are you wearing?"
"Hi uncle! I'm playing the role of page boy today. It's wonderful. Romeo you look very handsome in your formalwear."
Romeo blushes at the compliment but frowns as he looks her up and down. "Are those my clothes? Mrs. Hudson is that my cap?"
"Indeed they are."
"I hope you don't mind." Juliet rushes out with a frown.

Romeo rubs the back of his neck.
"It's very improper for a lady to wear male attire." Louis mumbles and clenches his fists.
"I am of working class descent for the week uncle. I must play the part fully. Romeo has taken on the role of noble perfectly."
"Thank you for the compliment my lady." Romeo whispers softly.
"How is papa? Are your lessons going well?"
"The ball proved to be like any other. He is back to school today." Louis answers then looks at Mrs. Hudson.
The landlady smiles softly. "Are you enjoying yourself Romeo?"

The boy nods and smiles. "My lessons are going well and I quite enjoyed the ball."
"Were the women fawning over you?" Juliet teases and giggles.
"They were but I managed to be suave and made a few swoon."
The children laugh softly.
"I'm so glad we did this."
"As am I."
"Do remember it is only for the week. This time next week you will be back to your normal lives." Louis informs and looks between the children.
"Oh let them have this my lord. Let them enjoy it while they can. They are only children after all." Mrs. Hudson requests and moves a bag from one hand to the other.

"Mrs. Hudson we should be on our way. I should like to get back and work on Lock's experiment while he's out."
The woman laughs and nods.
"Be safe snowdrop. Are your cramps still affecting you?" Louis whispers and pushes up his glasses. He wanted to hug her but he knew he couldn't.
Juliet blushes and rubs the back of her neck. "They are but I'm strong."
Louis sighs but nods. He looks at Romeo then begins walking away.
Romeo waves as the two females pass by them.
Louis groans and pinches the bridge of his nose.
"Is something wrong?" Romeo asks quietly.
"Don't trouble yourself. I plan to make something for when brother returns."
"It isn't Stargazer's pie is it? The eyes freak me out."
The blonde frowns but sighs. "It was but I suppose I can hold back and figure something else out."
"Thank you my lord."

When Juliet and Mrs. Hudson get home the girl immediately starts taking notes on the experiment her and Sherlock started.
Mrs. Hudson smiles as she watches the girl. It hasn't been long but she can see how much Sherlock has rubbed off on Juliet.
Although it is a wonder how much of it is from the Moriarty group.
"Mrs. Hudson would you mind terribly if I made myself some tea?"
"That's ok darling, I'll make it. You keep experimenting away."
"Oh. Thank you." Juliet calls and looks back at her clipboard.

Late that night Sherlock and John return so Sherlock could get his thoughts together.
John smiles at the girl. "I see you've been keeping up with his experiment."
"Oh yes!" She exclaims and smiles widely. "I've had so much fun. Uncle Louis insists these kinds of things are dangerous and a lady should not concern herself with them."
"Liam enjoys the sciences so I'm sure he doesn't mind." Sherlock mumbles and looks at his string board.
Juliet smiles and John sighs softly.
"I think caution should be taken into more consideration. These are dangerous experiments and Sherlock I think it's reckless to let a child join you."
Juliet and Sherlock took notice John didn't say it was because she was a girl.

"John relax. She is handling this better than Romeo does."
"Romeo has no interest in your experiments." Mrs. Hudson comments, setting a tea cup in front of John.
The doctor smiles at the landlady. "Thank you," he whispers.
"No, he'd just rather do it with Liam."
"Sherlock are you jealous?"
"One: jealousy is irrational; two: why would I be jealous? I have Juliet to do this with, I don't need Romeo. What I want from Romeo is for him to learn the skill both Mycroft and I share. It's not terribly difficult. Even you've learned things over the course of our time together. Not to mention Juliet also has a sense for deduction. You'd think after 11 years of practice he'd-"

Juliet frowns and looks between the adults. "I think I've heard Romeo talk about this subject."
The three look at the girl.
"Has he?" Mrs. Hudson inquires.
Juliet frowns and plays with the hem of her shirt. "Yeah. He um... it really upsets him."
John frowns and looks at his friend.
Sherlock's back remains facing the rest, his focus still on his board.
"He doesn't have your gift and he wants nothing more than for you to stop comparing him to you."
"Sherlock," John whispers.
"I strive to do my upmost as a Moriarty to not tarnish their reputation. I am a noblewoman and must be proper at all times. Although I was adopted I..."
The girl cuts herself off before she can say anything about the Moriarty plan.
"Do you know how he feels?" Mrs. Hudson asks sadly.

Sherlock slowly looks at Juliet.
"Children don't always want to follow in their parent's footsteps. I didn't ask to be a nobleman's child and Romeo didn't ask to be the son of the greatest detective. We aren't you and you aren't us. So the best thing we can do is be honest and try our best to compromise."
The detective stands up and walks toward the girl.
"Please forgive me. I've crossed the line." Juliet quickly stands and curtsies.
John looks between his friend and the young girl.
"You should get some sleep. It's pretty late already." Sherlock mumbles and walks past the girl.
Tears water her eyes but she does as instructed.

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