Billy the Kid

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"Sherlock have you noticed how off Billy has been lately?"
"Obviously. Do you wanna take a guess why, Liam?"
"He's been going into town more frequently. I overheard him mumbling something about medicine. So my guess is someone he knows is sick."
"He's going through a lot of trouble so it must be someone important. You think he's got himself a girlfriend?"
"She ain't my girlfriend."

William and Sherlock look at the doorway and see Billy.
"Who is she then?"
"It's none of your business."
"She's a close friend Sherly." William whispers to his friend.
Sherlock sighs and lights a cigarette. "Close friend my ass. She's his girlfriend and you can't convince me otherwise."
"Believe whatever you want. I'm heading to another job so try not to burn the place down."
"What's making her sick?" William asks softly.
"I don't know. Right now she's got a fever and I'm having a hell of a time trying to break it. I ain't got money for a doctor right now."

"Let me look at her." Sherlock offers and walks toward the boy.
"Why should I?" Billy asks, taking a step back.
"I've been friends with John long enough to pick up a few things."
"If anything we can help break her fever." William offers, smiling softly.
It takes a bit before Billy finally agrees.
He shoves his hands in his pockets and leads the two men out.
William walks next to Sherlock, close enough for their shoulders to almost bump.
Once they get to the an apartment building they head up to the right floor and room.

"H-Henry~" The girl in the bed stutters and cries. She reaches out to the boy with a shaking hand.
Billy walks over and holds her hand. "You need to rest (n/n)."
Her eyes move to the two visitors.
"These are my friends from work. Mr. Ponytail and-"
"We have names, kid." Sherlock grumbles and crosses his arms.
(Y/n) coughs and pants softly.
Her face is still burning up which makes her head hurt.
"My name is William and this is Sherlock. We'd like to help you." The blonde greets and smiles softly.

"Henry I'm sorry."
"Shhhh don't apologize. I'm right here and you're gonna be just fine."
"I-" She coughs and cries softly.
Billy holds a cloth to her mouth that she coughs into.
Sherlock observes and frowns.
William does the same for a different reason. He takes notice of how close they are.
"Leave her with us and hurry to your job." Sherlock mumbles and walks to the bed.
"Are you sure?"
"Go ahead. I'll make sure he doesn't do anything crazy."
"Why do I doubt that?" The boy mumbles and looks back at the girl. "I gotta do a job but I'll be back when I finish ok?"
(Y/n) sniffles and nods. "Can you hold me when you get back?"
"Sure. I'll bring you an apple too so get better enough to eat it."

Late that night Billy comes back and walks into the bedroom.
William is reading a book and Sherlock is sleeping on the couch.
"How is she?"
"On the mend. She's asleep now." William replies and sets his book down.
Billy sets the apple he promised on the bedside table. He takes off his vest and shoes before crawling into the bed.
(Y/n) curls into him and smiles softly.
"I know Sherlock teased you earlier but is she just a friend?"
Billy frowns and looks at the blonde. "We've been friends since we were little runts but I started feeling more a year or two ago. She hasn't shown any romantic interest in me so I keep to myself. I can't bare seeing her like this, the thought of losing her too."

William smiles softly and nods. "I understand. I remember when my brother was sick and seeing him in so much pain hurt my heart. I always wished I could take his pain away."
Billy looks down at (Y/n) and runs his finger gently from her forehead down her nose.
The girl shivers and curls into him more.
"Maybe you could tell her how you feel when she wakes up. It might make her happy and give her motive to get better sooner."
Billy looks at the blonde. "I know you and Mr. Ponytail are like married and all now but who expressed their feelings first?"

William thinks about it, not commenting on him saying anything about Sherlock and himself.
Billy looks back at (Y/n).
"I guess I did, in my letter. Sherlock told me how he felt when we were on the bridge. It made me more happy than I could ever express."
"You think she'd be happy if I told her?"
"I know so. We talked a little while you were out. I get the impression she cares just as deeply as you. I mean, when we arrived she cried your name immediately."
Billy smiles slightly but nods. "Ok, fine. I'll tell her." He leans down more to get comfortable and closes his eyes.

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