Sebastian Moran p2

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//Part one is in my other MtP book just so you know

Moran sighs and rubs the back of his neck. "I guess I read the signals wrong."
"You thought she wanted to sleep with you but she didn't." Albert comments while taking off his jacket and hat.
"Pretty much." The raven haired man mumbles, unable to make eye contact.
"That poor woman." Louis mumbles walking away.
"William I never would have brought her here if I didn't think she-"
"I know colonel. But the look of fear and her tears is something not easily forgiven. I would not be surprised if she did not speak to you again."
"I need to tell her how sorry I am. I tried to go after her but she was too fast."
"Then give her time and space. I recommend a different bar for now."

Sebastian did as William suggested and didn't return to the bar.
The girls were disappointed and complained.
(Y/n) did her best to ignore them and focus on her work. She didn't expect him to come onto her like that.
Obviously she knows he's attractive but she didn't want to do anything like that with him.
Now after what happened she probably never would.
When (Y/n) thinks about that night she remembers his expression, the scared look on his face when she began to cry.
Moran pulled away immediately.
Doesn't that mean he regrets what he did, or didn't mean to hurt her?

Finally after a few weeks Moran walks in and looks around for (Y/n).
The said woman is cleaning up by herself.
The sound of the bells on the door catches her attention.
When she looks up her eyes widen.
His expression makes her sad; his frown is deep and remorseful.
"I need to apologize (n/n). Please let me explain."
She clenches her fists but nods.
They sit at one of the tables, across from one another.

"I thought you wanted me, we're jealous of the other girls, so I brought you back to the estate. If I had known you didn't I never would have suggested you coming over. I never want to hurt you, that's the last thing I want. You are beautiful and strong but I understand if you never want to see me again or talk again. Please forgive me."
(Y/n) listens quietly and sighs in relief.
Knowing she was right and he didn't mean it made her feel better.
"I'm glad I was right about you. I can forgive you colonel. I just want you to know I don't feel that way toward you. I never have and I probably never will. I want us to be friends. I enjoy your company here and the liveliness you bring."

Moran smiles and puts his hand on hers. "I understand completely. I will never do anything like this again. Although I can't promise I won't flirt once in a while."
(Y/n) laughs quietly and shakes her head. "What would my girls think if you started flattering me? They would be jealous and I would never hear the end of it."
The man laughs and nods. "Yes I imagine they would. That gives me incentive to do it."
She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. "Do leave colonel. I have to finish locking up. Go flirt with some other barmaid."
Moran stands and kisses her cheek. "Good night." He whispers then leaves.

Once he gets back to the estate he walks to the parlor and finds William alone.
A bottle of whiskey and a glass with ice waiting on the table.
William looks over and smiles. "Is it safe to assume she forgave you?"
Sebastian walks over and sits on the couch. "She did. I'll give it a couple more days before I go back and actually get a drink."
"I'm sure the girls will be happy to see you again." The blonde jokes and smiles slightly.
Moran takes a drink of his whiskey. "Yeah but I ain't going for them."

"Oh Mr. Moran you're back." One of the girls cheers and starts hanging on his arm.
"I have returned."
Most of the men groan.
(Y/n) looks over at the colonel just in time to see him wink at her. She rolls her eyes and goes back to filling mugs with beer.
"Hello chums, ready to empty your pockets?"
The men around the playing table give each other weary looks.

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