Sebastian Moran

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(Y/n) pulls a chair over and stands on it to get something off the top of the cabinet.
Louis chuckles quietly. "You could've asked for help (Y/n)."
"I don't need help. I am perfectly capable and smart enough to figure out my own solutions."
"(Y/n) get down from there before you hurt yourself." Moran scolds from the doorway. He walks over and grabs the jar from his girlfriend.
The woman growls and kicks his ankle, grabs the jar and walks away.
Louis couldn't hold back the sudden burst of laughter at the ex-colonel's pain.

"Sebastian stop flirting with barmaids in front of me. I don't care if it's for a mission. Never once has William asked you to cosy up to one, tickle her chin or stick your tongue down her throat."
"She has a point colonel." Albert comments, eyes closed while drinking his wine.
"I'm doing my job a-"
"As a manwhore? Cause it sure as hell ain't as a marksman. Or maybe you're just looking for a hole to shoot in."
William chokes on his tea but clears his throat and pats his chest. "Please you two, don't fight."

(Y/n) clenches her fists tightly.
Moran stands up fuming.
"I know we don't always seen eye to eye but-"
"That's because you're too short to do so."
(Y/n) yells angrily, kicking the tall man where it counts then storms off.
Moran cries out in pain, falling to his knees.
William sighs softly.
"You deserved that." Fred mumbles quietly.
Albert smiles slightly, drinking his wine while Louis pinches the bridge of his nose.

(Y/n) sits on her bed and plays with the black sash in her hand.
William walks in and sits next to her.
"This is the only thing connecting us."
"It's how you met right? He's a sentimental man. I believe he still carries the pocket watch I gave him."
"It was tied in my hair loosely. The wind picked up and just as it flew off he caught it. He walked over, tied it around my neck in a bow and smirked. "Now you look like the most beautiful present I've ever seen." He said and I fell."
"That sounds like him."
"If I had known this is how he really was I never would have agreed to go out with him. Sometimes I still think he only did it because you told him to for the cause. I am constantly questioning his feelings and that's not a relationship."

William puts his hand on hers. "I didn't tell him to do anything of the sort. If anything it's the opposite. Remaining bachelors is our best option. But he truly seems to have feelings for you. He's so used to flirting and sleeping with women that it's not so easy to stop. I could tell him to stop but he would probably resort to it on instinct."
(Y/n) sniffles and looks away. "Maybe it would be best that we go our separate ways then. If it's for the cause I'll leave."
"Please don't leave me."

The sudden voice startles the woman.
She turns to see the raven haired man in the doorway.
"(N/n) please don't leave me." He repeats and slowly walks over.
(Y/n) stands quickly. "And why shouldn't I? I'm an outsider who has no part in the plan. To be most effective you need to be able to flirt and cosy up to women. Obviously I'm holding you back."
"I don't want them, I want you. I know it was wrong to use my usual methods in front of you and I'm sorry. But please don't leave because of it."

Moran looks down at the sash clenched in her hand. Slowly he reaches out and runs the material between his fingers.
"I...I never thought I'd feel like this but I..."
"Don't say you love me. I won't be able to go if you do." She takes a step back.
Sebastian takes a step forward. "I love you with all my heart."
"No. Stop." She whispers and squeezes her eyes closed.
His hand cups her cheek gently.
"I will do everything in my power to make you happy and I will find a different way to go about missions from now on. No other woman catches my eye and they could never have my heart. It's all yours."

Moran takes the sash and ties her hair.
(Y/n) cries softly into his chest.
He pets her hair and holds her close.
William smiles from the bed and stands. "I'm glad to see you have made up. Let's go enjoy dinner."
Sebastian picks his girlfriend up and smirks. "So small you fit perfectly in my arms."
"I will give you a black eye Sebastian."
The couple smiles as they walk to the dining room.

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