R.I.P Inquisitore3

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I'm pretty sure most of you know that, Inquisitore3 lost his life on October 9th, on his TikTok Live.

If you don't know who this man is, he is a cod cosplayer, and he was accused on grooming. And a lot of other stuff that I'm not sure what else, y'all can look up more about it.

I never watched him that often but I am deeply sad for his family.

I heard that Cod might put a skin in the game for him. His family gave it the go-ahead for it. I think that would be great to do, to celebrate his short life.

Anyways, sorry for this really sad update. Well it's not my update but, an update.

I hope y'all have a great day or night. I love you all ❤️

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