Chapter 11: The Birds Can Starve

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My nose was buried deep in research, sheets displaying my brainstorms strewn across my bedroom, when my phone dinged.

 Unknown number: Wanna come feed the birds?

      I read the message twice, no more understanding on the second read.

 Unknown number: This is Avi by the way. Amelia gave me your number.

      That confirmed that the message was meant for me, confirmed that my presence truly had been requested for bird watching.

Me: My gut tells me to be wary, but yes. I'll come.

Avi: That's great considering we're already outside.

      I frowned at my phone again. Already outside. Outside the safe house? Stepping over my mess of research, I pulled my curtains apart. No matter what room I found myself in this house, I could see the front yard; perks of having a magical home with no single geographical location. Peaking outside, I found the gang in Maria's family van. Léa was the first to spot me, pointing me out to the others. I was greeted with enthusiastic waves and impatient gestures from Avi. I waved absentmindedly; eyes squinted in the direction of the empty seat usually occupied by Amelia. They usually picked her up before me. Maybe the bird place was on the way to her place.

      Van door sliding open, Avi teased me about taking so long.

      "You're lucky I was already dressed," I said. "I'm usually still in my pyjamas at this time."

      From the backseat Nao grunted. My gaze found him. In a plain shirt and plaid pyjama pants, he puckered his lips distastefully. A giggle spluttered from my lips, no chance of hiding my amusement. Nao narrowed his eyes playfully, lips parting to complain.

      "No one's even going to see us," Avi interjected before Nao could voice his complaints. "And you should be thanking me, considering your ass looks great in those pants... Right, Léa?"

      I swallowed my snort of surprise at his bluntness. This thing between Léa and Nao must have been going on for a while, poking at Avi's last nerve.

      "Don't be an idiot." Nao saved Léa the embarrassment of having to answer. "My ass always looks great."

     Lost in Avi and Nao's brotherly banter before I knew it Maria placed the van in park. I turned towards the window with pinched brows. This wasn't either of Amelia's houses. We were parked at the other end of the park, the side I assumed no one approached. It was all bush and overgrown grass. Before I got to question Amelia's absence, Avi tossed each of us a slice of bread. None of them blinked at his actions.

      "Is this something you guys do often?" I asked.

      "We usually go to the duck pond out of town, but Avi thinks they're too spoiled and we need to spread the wealth with other bird species."

     "If people keep feeding them like they do, they're going to sink," he guffawed. "Greedy ducks are going to die young."

     I laughed at his enthusiasm.

     Everyone tumbling out of the van, I followed the four, frowning as they headed straight for the bush.

     "Are you sure there's anything behind here?" Nao grumbled as a branch from our makeshift trail smacked him in the face.

      "Obviously. Would I be going through all this trouble otherwise?"

     Nao quirked a brow as if to say 'yes'. Beside him Léa nudged him lightly. "Lanny hangs out there sometimes. She said there's a small pond with picnic tables."

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