[Chapter 2] Glass.

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now with that out the way, enjoy ;)


"Hey guys"


Lightbulb wrapped her arms around the tan person in front of her.

"Jeez you act like you haven't seen me in forever"

"It HAS been forever, 15 hours is a long time!!"

"Is not"

"Yeah huh"

The two went back and fourth in this non serious argument until Test Tube stopped them.

"Ok guys enough of whatever this is"

"UGHHH fine" Lightbulb plopped down into one of the garden seats and crossed her arms then pouted, kind of like how a kid would pout when you wouldn't let them eat any candy before dinner.

Paintbrush found this cute though, her puffed up cheeks and the shine in her eyes was so adorable to Paintbrush, and her cutesy voice just made Paintbrush want to melt into the ground.

They loved Lightbulb, a lot.

"Uh, hey Paintbrush can I talk to you later" Test Tube asked, she seemed nervous.



The rest of the time at the garden was taken up by stupid conversations, theories, and laughter.

Eventually, after hours and hours of hanging out it was 18 o'clock, dinner time.

OJ liked everyone to eat together on weeks, weekends was fend for yourself. So the 5 of them walked to the dinning hall with each other, eager to get some food in their stomachs after skipping lunch. Well Lightbulb didn't skip, she ate a salad and cookie, quite opposites.

After dinner ended which was 19 o'clock, usually people went to their rooms or the lounge. Paintbrush usually went to their room for alone time or sometimes even Lightbulb's to hang out with her, per her request. But tonight Paintbrush would be something very different. Very different indeed.

"Hey Paintbrush remember what I asked earlier?" Test Tube was twiddling with her thumbs.

"Oh yeah, what about it?"

"Can we meet in my lab?"

"Uhh yeah, after dinner?"

"Mhm! See you there"

"Yeah you too"

Paintbrush felt uneasy. Very uneasy. They knew something was gonna happen, something bad.

After dinner they walked down to Test Tube's lab to talk to her. Once they arrived they were greeting with a cup of coffee and a smiling tub in front of them.

"Here uh have a seat !"

"Thank you" there was a small pause as Paintbrush sipped the hot bitter brew in their rough painter hands.

"So, what did you need me for?"

"It's about Lightbulb"

Paintbrushes relaxed face tensed up, now they were really paying attention.

"I wanna ask her out Saturday, on a picnic, I need your help telling me what she likes and dislikes, if thats ok"

Paintbrush's stomach dropped. Their heart started racing. They couldn't believe this. The love of their life was going to be taken away from them just like that.

"Paintbrush, are you okay?"

Without thinking, Paintbrush took a beaker from the counter of Test Tube"s lab and smashed it into her head, causing the glass shards to penetrate Test Tube's flesh. Blood getting in her green dreads.


Test Tube held her hand to her head and reached for her phone to call for someone, Paintbrush saw this and knew they had to stop her.

Paintbrush snatched the phone out of Test Tube's hand and threw it across the room, cracking it. Before Test Tube could get another word out Paintbrush wrapped their hands around her neck and started choking her. Test Tube tried resisting their cold hands but everytime she did they started choking her harder. Eventually she passed out.

Paintbrush stood up and saw the scene before them. They have realized what they have done. They started shaking, their hands covered in the blood that had come from Test Tube's head. They started crying, freaking out about what they were gonna do. Their fingers dug into their scalp and gripped onto their hair, they started pacing back and forth across the laboratory. They went back to Test Tube's motionless body and checked her pulse. She was still alive.

They couldn't let her live, she'd tell everyone then Paintbrush would have no chance of getting Lightbulb. So Paintbrush did the only thing they could do. They grabbed one of the shard from the broken beaker and slit Test Tube's throat.

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