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When Fan woke up it was all dark, it smelt like dirt and chemicals wherever he was. He tried to move around but he couldn’t, at least not his legs. She had remembered what happened, Paintbrush has struck him with a metal rod. Eventually he heard what seemed to be a door and saw a burst of light rush into the black room.

“Morning kiddo”
“P-Paintbrush? Where am I?”
“One of Test Tube’s extra rooms, I didn’t want to kill you but you can’t go free, this is the compromise.”
Fan looked around the room, the cold, dirty, white tile floor, the silver-blue dirty walls.
“Here let me turn on the light for you” Paintbrush flipped a switch and one by one all the fluorescent lights on the ceiling lit up, causing the room to be blinding to fan, who had his eyes adjusted to the dark. Once the lights were on Fan saw all the stains everywhere, it made her skin crawl. Whatever Test Tube did in here was sure dirty.
“You’ll get food and water later, I told everyone you ran off to try and find Test Tube, they believed it.”
“Don’t have too much fun” Then Paintbrush shut and locked the door. It seemed the blunt force to Fan’s head managed to mess up her movement, as she couldn’t move her legs. Fan spotted a notebook and pen across the room. She crawled her way over, skimmed through the papers and saw it was all empty, so he decided to write.

i think its June 7th? i can’t tell, maybe the 8th now. i just woke up in one of Test Tube’s lab rooms, at least thats what ive been told. i don't wanna be here.’

Fan didn't have much to say as he just got here, so he left it alone. She felt tired after everything, so she decided to go to sleep.


??? pov:
As I stroked Mic’s hair I thought about what I saw last night. Two bodies thump to the ground. When I checked their pulses only one had a heartbeat. I burried Soap’s body in leaves in my cave, I didn’t want to look at it. Every now and then I’d check if Mic still has her pulse, and it was still there each time. Eventually I started feeling woozy, I’ve lost track of the days I haven’t slept. Before I knew it, I passed out.

No pov:
When Mic woke up she felt a sharp pain in just about everywhere in her body, especially her head and back. She tried to sit up but it hurt too much, so she laid there, in a damp, cold, and dark place, that she found out was a cave. She felt another person though, she could here their quiet breaths. Was it Soap? Paintbrush? It was too dark to see. She’d have to wait for the sun to rise or till her eyes adjusted to the dark, which she suspected wouldn’t take long.

Eventually the sun started to rise. It was beautiful. The yellows and blues blending in the sky and the green trees setting the wooded scene, it almost made Mic forget she was in so much pain. She ached as she turned her head to see who the sleeping person was.

“Taco?” Mic grew even more scared than before. What was Taco doing there? Her mini panic made Taco wake up. Taco rubbed her eyes and saw Mic awake.
“It’s Microphone to you.”
“Big words to say to a girl who saved your life. You would’ve frozen to death or got mangled by cayotes out there!”
“You….saved my life?”
“Uh yeah, you were pushed off a cliff, speaking of do you know who did that to you, I couldn’t get a good look at them.”
“It was Paintbrush…”
“What?? Really?”
“Yeah…God I bet Soap’s so worried about me at the hotel I have to-”
“Soap was pushed too.”
Mic’s heart sunk.
“5 minutes after you, Soap was pushed.”
“What?? Is she okay?!”
There was a brief moment of silence.
“She….didn’t make it….”
Tears formed In Mic’s eyes before she could even process what Taco had told her, Taco pulled her into a hug as Mic sobbed into her shoulder.

Taco knew it was going to be a long week.


Fan woke up, it was day 2, at least that’s what she thinks it is, he doesn’t know. He woke up and noticed the lights were back on, Paintbrush turned them off as a sign of night time. She looked besides himself and found a breakfast sandwich with a dog jigsaw puzzle with 200 pieces to keep him occupied, on top of it was a note.

“Hey Fan,
I’m sorry for keeping you in here. I got you breakfast and a puzzle to keep you busy, once you finish the puzzle ill give you something else to entertain you.
Sincerely, PB”

Fan knew Paintbrush wasn’t sorry. It was obvious. At least to her.

sighh.... sorry for disappearing for a month..... anyway chapter 8 is finished and 9 is in the works pookies AND THIS FIC SUCKS BOOOO i only write it cus its entertaining

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