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(before this starts i must mention this is VERY old, written a long time ago, and has very bad writing. its also very long so have fun with that!!)

Bot’s pov:
Im tired of this. This is hell. Both my parents are gone. Bullshit. No one talks to me anymore besides Lightbulb, but even she as been distant recently, grieving the loss of all her friends. I know I should be greiving too, but I have no greif left to show. I’m just a metal suit filled with stupid parts at this point.

I’ve been thinking of disassembling myself, I’d have to go to Mom’s lab though.

Ultimately I decided I’d go, I slid my shoes on and put on a jacket before leaving a note for Lightbulb. It wasnt a sappy suicide note, it was rather straightforward, how I like it.

I walk over to Mom’s lab while thinking about things. Why should I call her and Fan my parents? All they are are creepy people who wanted to create a robot version of someone they didn’t even know. So instead of turning right I turned left, to Purgatory Mansion. Time to put a name to a face.

As I arrive at the mansion I decide to knock, I hear 3 voices inside spark up and start talking, but it’s all muffled, then the door creaked open.
“Hi, can I help you?” The girl said, she was wearing a pretty light blue nightgown looking dress with black leggings and a brown coat that if anything resembled a blanket more than a coat.
“Uhh yeah, is there a bow here?” I ask

Her eyes widden a bit before opening the door fully.
“Yeah come in” She says, I follow her inside.
As she leads me to I guess the living room I look around, it’s an old and dusty place, cold too, and creepy to say the least.

“Boww!” The girl called out. Then a ghost appeared.
“Yes Marshy?”
“There’s someone here to see you”
“Oh shittt really?”
The ghost looked over to me. She was all pink and transparent, she had 2 spikey big tails and was wearing a tank top and a skirt, which is where her ghost tail came out.
“Uh, hi” I say, nervously waving.
“Who the hell are you, you’re like a green and tidy version of me, and not as bimbo-ish” She says, the girl with white hair looks at her in a ‘why would you say that?’ look.
“I’m bot, well, I’m you, but- ugh it’s a long story”
“You’re me?” bow asks with the most confused face ever.
“How about we sit down at the bar to talk about this?” The girl with white hair says.
“I’m a minor.” I say quickly. The 2 in front of me start giggling.
“So are we, we dont actually drink” Bow says.
“Oh, okay good” I say as we start walking towards the bar.

When we sit down the white headed girl asks me to explain what I meant earlier and Bow nods in agreement.
“Well my pare- I mean- Test Tube and Fan, decided to recreate Bow and turn her into a robot, making me. I was supposed to be a copy and paste of you basically, I was made to be you, I even looked exactly like you and everything, and acted and sounded like you too, people believed it.” I say.
“Jesus Christ what a fucking violation.” Bow says, looking disgusted, the white haired girl nods.

Then we heard a raspy voice call out.
“Ill be right there sweetie!” The white haired girl said, standing up and leaving, her name must be Marsh.

“Do 3 people live here?” I ask.
“4 actually  but dough doesn’t really talk or anything he just plays the piano, every now and then though he’ll start ranting about being my brother, yeah I don’t know him??”
“So, how’d you become like, Bot, like how’d you become who you are now”
“I was 12 when I found out and when I turned 13 my m- Test Tube…let me start changing into my  own person”
“Oh okay, so at least shes not like bad-bad, just bad”
“Yeah” I say giggling.

“Listen by all means I’m not being rude or anything but the other human here is sick so you should probably go” Bow says.
“Oh yeah definitely, bye! And tell your friend I said bye too!” I say leaving the mansion with a smile, but as soon as I know no ones around I drop it.
That was probably gonna be my last interaction ever.

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