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Lightbulb’s pov:
People I love keep leaving. Am I that annoying? Maybe I am. I only have Paintbrush and Bot left. Maybe I should stop by Suitcase’s room. She can’t leave me right? I slide some shoes on and leave my room for the first time in 6 hours. I walk upstairs and turn right and walk almost all the way down the hall until i find her room. Second to last door. I knock “Hello? Anyone home?” I heard a click and then the door opened, Clover?
“Hi Lightbulb!”
“Sup 4-leaf, say have you seen Suitcase?”
“Oh sure, she left to go on top of the hill at that old park, why did you need her for something?”
“Just needed a friend to talk to.”
“Oh, well hey if you ever can’t find anyone, you always have me!”
“Thanks! I’m going to go find Suitcase now”
I waved at Clover and raced down the stairs and out the door, I noticed Paintbrush watching me closely. Odd.

Eventually I found Suitcase on top of the hill.
“Hiii Suitcase”
“Oh Lightbulb! Hello”
“Watcha doin’ up here”
“Waiting for the sun to set, It’s so pretty from up here. Wanna join me?”
I sat down next to her, and I noticed her cheeks turn a little pink.

Back during the s2 hiatus really only me and Suitcase really talked and it was only to each other. We grew really close that year, and we still make it a goal to hang out at least once a week. I love her. Besides her and Mic I don’t think I’d be able to love anyone else.

Suitcase was so cute. She was wearing a white shirt with a button up brown blouse, all of the buttons were buttoned besides the first and last one. She was wearing a yellow skirt with white transparent thigh highs and white leg warmers finishing with black mary janes and a yellow headband. Her 2 sloppy braids tied with yellow ribbons. Her eyeliner was smudged and blended in with her tan skin. Her black mascara was clumpy but it looked good with her big black eyes that kind of looked like the eyes of an abandoned puppy. Her lips were cacked and her fingernails were super short from her biting them.

“So how have you been suit-girl?”
“I- I’ve been good, a little lonely I guess but fine nonetheless.” Suitcase smiled at me.
“How is your new roommate? I saw her when I tried to find you, she seems sweet!”
“Yeah she’s very kind, except she is a little oblivious and….in the nicest way possible a little airheaded “
I giggle at Suitcase’s comment.
“Say that playground is just down this hill, wanna go swing?” I ask
“Sure” she says. I stand up and then help her stand up.
“Pretty ladies first” I say, gesturing my hand down the hill like those fancy men do on a date when they hold the door open. I notice Suitcase blush a bit and then start walking down the hill, I quickly follow in suit.

I notice how steep the hill is and how Suitcase is trying her best not to fall by taking cautious steps. I however walk like I usually do, in a goofy manner, it doesn’t take long for that to bite me in the ass though as I trip and stumble down the hill.
“Lightbulb!” Suitcase yelps, I start giggling as I reach the bottom of the hill on my butt.

“Are you okay?” she says rushing over to me. I don’t do anything but laugh and nod. She smiles at me.
“Here let me help you up” She says softly and reaches a hand out for me, I grab it and get up, brushing the dirt off me.
“C’mon let’s go to the swings!” I say, still holding onto her hand and pulling her over to the swings. Eventually we were both swinging, and we stayed like that for about one hour, just swinging and talking.

“I’m kinda tired” Suitcase said then yawned.
“Here, let's climb on top of the playground and watch the sunset!”
“What about dinner?”
“Hey it’s a Sunday, we can eat when we get back!”
“If you say so”
I helped Suitcase climb up the rockwall to the top of the playground, the stairs were broken, so this was the only option. After she got up there I climbed up, it was old and dusty, yet cozy, I leaned up against a wall of the playground.
“Mind if I…?” Suitcase pointed to me to ask if she could lean on me, I say sure.

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