Nerves. [Chapter 4]

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“So what are you trying to say to me?” OJ tapped the papers on his desk 3 times to make them straight and organized. His puzzled face staring Paintbrush down.
“Test Tube ran away, or I guess moved would be a better way to say it”
“And she left these letters behind?” OJ pointed to the stack of letters in front of him, his chin length beaded dreads clicking together.
“Mhm, I was wondering if you could pass them out to everyone”
“So how did you get them”

This question would have caught Paintbrush off guard if it weren’t for them thinking about this in advance.
“Yesterday when all the contestants from season 3 came back, I was talking to Test Tube, Lightbulb, Fan, and Bot. Test Tube pulled me aside and asked if I could come to her lab after dinner, I said yes. Once I got to her lab she told me everything and gave me those letters, she then asked if I could spend the night to help her pack, I said yes.”
“Hm, well I guess there's no harm in doing so, I’ll pass them out during mail time. At 15 o’clock, ok?”
“Mhm! Thank you OJ”
“Yeah no problem”
Paintbrush got up and left his office, not even 30 seconds later Fan and Bot ran into them.
“Paintbrush, have you seen Test Tube anywhere?”
“Sorry Fan I actually haven’t”
“Man. Me, her, and Bot were supposed to go out for breakfast but we can’t find her anywhere”
“I hope you find her soon”
Paintbrush thought to themself ‘what's with everyone asking me questions today’.

Paintbrush was heading to the kitchen to get some breakfast when they saw Mic and Soap chatting, they seemed to be talking about lunch duty. Everyday when OJ wakes up he prints out a paper with lunch duty and dinner duty, basically who cooks and who cleans.

It appears that Mic and Lightbulb have cooking duty for lunch while Fan and Silver have cleaning duty.
“Wow Mic, you’re lucky, Lightbulb is super nice!”
“Yeah I guess so” Mic seemed to have been blushing after Soap’s comment, Paintbrush not being able to tell if she was blushing at Soap or Lightbulb. Paintbrush hoped it was Soap, I mean, the two are dating, engaged actually. The both are 21, so it’s kind of early for engagement but it is their life so who are people to judge?

Eventually it was 11 o’clock, which is when lunch duty starts. Paintbrush and Lightbulb were talking about bees while in the garden when all of a sudden Lightbulb heard someone call out her name
“Lightbulb! It’s lunch duty time!” The distant voice called from the distance, it sounded like Mic.
“Want me to walk you?”
Lightbulb looked at Paintbrush and smiled. Her hair slightly blowing in the cool breeze, the sun shining on them. With the flowers in the background and Lightbulb’s cuteness, the scene was perfect to Paintbrush.
“Sure!” The two got up from their hammock and started walking towards the door, Lightbulb keeping her goofy smile on the whole way.

Once the two arrived at the kitchen Lightbulb ran towards Mic
“I’m here! So what are we cookin’?”
“Pizza, one cheese, one pepperoni, and one veggie pizza!”
Paintbrush smiled, they decided to sit down outside the kitchen. The structure over there was weird, the kitchen was big and partially closed off but there was a wide but short window leading into the dining room. It’d make sense for the window not to have glass in it and be empty, but there was glass and that's what made it weird.

Paintbrush sat at the dining table across from said window, so they were able to see what was going on inside, to supervise Lightbulb and make sure she was safe.

“So what pizza do you wanna cook first?”
“Ok, hmm how about you prepare the dough and I make the sauce?” Mic tossed the dough at Lightbulb.
Lightbulb opened the dough and started shaping it, meanwhile Mic started to make the sauce, the tomato base was already done it just needed some extra pizazz. After shaping the dough it was an off-circle shape, almost egg like.
“Ya’ finished with da sauce?”
“Just about yep!” Mic headed towards Lightbulb with the sauce and spreaded in on the dough. She then grabbed the bagged cheese and started laying it on the pizza.
“Hey Lightbulb”
No response.
Once again, no response.
Mic placed her hand on Lightbulb’s shoulder, Lightbulb squeaked a bit, her cheeks pink. Lightbulb have been staring at Mic but seemed to be zoned out.
“Sorry, I was uh thinking of something.” That something being Mic’s beauty, Lightbulb has always admired Mic’s long black hair and slightly tanned skin, being hispanic-korean, her features were beautiful. Lightbulb liked Mic.
“Could you slice the sausage to make the pepperoni?”
Lightbulb grabbed a knife and started cutting the sausage slices, she got to about 5 slivers before she accidentally sliced her finger.
Mic rushed over.
“Are you okay?!” Mic saw Lightbulb’s cut finger. She picked up her hand and brought it close to her. Paintbrush saw this and felt uneasy.
“Here uh come on let's go grab some medicine and a band aid.” Mic grabbed a paper towel and placed it on Lightbulb’s hand, she then led her upstairs to the medicine room

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