[Chapter 3] Letters

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Paintbrush was lucky, since the crime scene was a lab it was very easy to dispose of everything. Paintbrush was able to dispose of the body in a tank of acid and burnt her clothes. They found some cleaning supplies and cleaned up the shards and spilt blood. Lastly Test Tube had a shower in her lab so it was child's play for Paintbrush to clean up.

They thought a lot about what happened while showering. Did they really just kill one of their best friends? I mean, it was incomprehensible. Paintbrush also thought about Lightbulb though. Her gorgeous tanned skin and her blonde hair. It was worth it.

After their shower they had to think about how to cover up the murder, they decided to make it look like a runaway so they took some of her other clothes and burnt it, a long with a bookbag to make it seem like she took that stuff with her. They then were able to write some letters, forging her hand writing, that were letters to her friends, explaining her supposed runaway.

After they finished the process it was about 5 o'clock, by this time OJ was awake so they decided to stay till about 8 o'clock; when they usually wake up, to make it look like they spent the night before Test Tube's leave.

When they arrived at the hotel and walked in no one really noticed it as they were all distracted doing what they usually do, besides Lightbulb who immediately sprung up and ran towards them.


Lightbulb wrapped her arms around the slim figure in front of her and squeezed tightly, Paintbrush hugging back, they love it when she does this. Paintbrush was carrying a white tote bag on their shoulder with all the letters in it. Lightbulb seemed to have noticed this.

"Whats this?" Lightbulb said looking at the tote bag.

"Oh yeah, Test Tube....ran away, she wanted me to sleep over and then give you guys these in the morning"


Lightbulb snatched the bag and started looking through it, trying to find her letter, then she found it, on the back of the envelope was Lightbulb, written in Test Tube's hard to read cursive handwriting. She ripped the letter open and looked what was inside. She couldn't believe it Test Tube really did run away. She started crying and hugged Paintbrush again for support.

"Hey-hey, its gonna be ok, I'm sure she'll come back one day." That last part being a white lie.

"How about we go to my room and watch a movie before I Hand out the rest of the letters, hm?"

Lightbulb nodded, Paintbrush took her hand and led her to their room, shutting the door behind them.

"So what movie do you wanna watch?"


"Wh- are you serious?? Thats like a little kid movie"

"Nuh uh, I like it" Lightbulb said, sniffling mid sentence, trying to hold back her snot and tears.

"Fine." Paintbrush turned the movie on, annoyed at her movie choice but decided not to nit-pick as Lightbulb was still crying.

Suddenly, Lightbulb pulled Paintbrush down, making them both lay down, then curled up and hugged them tight.

"Huh?? what are you doing"

Lightbulb didnt reply, she just continued cuddling Paintbrush, Paintbrush liked this, a lot.

"I miss Test Tube"

"I'm sure she'll be back one day I promise."

"Pinky promise?"

"Double pinky promise"

Lightbulb giggled and hugged Paintbrush tighter.

"We should do this more often, you're warm"

"Pff, yeah I'd like that"


sorry for this chapter being on the shorter time, wrote it all in one day so it's not the best, but chapter 4 is going to be looooong so wait for that to release shortly!

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