announcement :)

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okay so i am so so grateful for 300 views and 10 votes thank you guys so much i never thought id get past 100 views let alone 300

i know its not a big number but my appreciation is big, so i decided to do something...

i will be making a discord server!!! the discord server will be about the book and will be a server to just have fun!! if you're in the server you will get sneak peaks and updates for CBWE, i will also be hosting a QnA there so if you have any questions, rather personal or book related you can either comment on this "chapter" or post it in the discord server

the server should be out tomorrow if not today

i love you guys so much and am excited to see you guys in the server soon


OLD DO NOT READ - Cold Blade, Warm Embrace [I.I AU.]Where stories live. Discover now